[MoD] Canada: What is happening?

Day 3,924, 07:00 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

With the new changes to determination coming into effect in the very near future, there is a lot of stuff that is happening currently with our country both in the military side of things, and the economic. In this article, explanations will be given for what is happening currently.


Currently our training war with the Netherlands continues uninterrupted. The new determination rules will make this training war difficult, and discussions are being had on how this can be handled in the best way possible. Stay tuned to the national feed for updates on what is happening with our Dutch friends.


We are in the midst of finishing a reset war with them, as a precaution in case the new determination came in with what was in the region before, instead of automatically with the new calculations. Furthermore, once we land in Russia, we will be working closely with Romania and Russia to figure out some region swaps.


As was mentioned above, we have launched a non-hostile airstrike against Russia, to assist in swapping some regions between Romania and Russia before the new determination rules come into play.


This is a war that is about to start. It is a non-hostile attack, as we will be assisting Bulgaria in doing some region swaps as well before the new determination rules come into effect.

That is the war situation in a nutshell. All in all, there are no hostile attacks against Canada at this time. We are being a good ally and friend in helping our allies exchange regions before an accidental loss due to the new determination rules coming into effect in just a few days. Take this time and enjoy the opportunity to have more battles to fight in, more battle heroes to win, and more True Patriot cash to buoy your bank accounts.


-Lots of battles for Canada
-None are hostile
-We are being a good ally and friend
-Enjoy having more battles to fight in


Exalted Druid

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