[MoD] Battle Order Day 4,085 [06:55 ERT]

Day 4,083, 16:00 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Romania is under attack once again. We shall help our allies!
Ensure our Training Wars are working as they should.
Estonia has asked for us to babysit their battle during European night.

Training War Instructions
Romania: Romania is to win any Resistance Wars that are opened between our two countries. They are renting our regions. They are friends.

Serbia: Serbia and Canada are engaged in a Training War. Canada wins the Resistance Wars, Serbia wins the Direct Wars. The Training War is taking place on Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. PEI is also being held by them for the time being.

Republic of Macedonia (FYROM): MKD and Canada are engaged in a Training War. In this war, whenever Yukon is the region being fought over, MKD wins the battle. Whenever British Columbia is the region being fought over, Canada wins the battle.

Republic of Moldova: Moldova and Canada are engaged in a Training War. Canada wins the Resistance Wars, Moldova wins the Direct Wars. The Training War is taking place on Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Fight for Lithuania in Saarland!



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