[IAF] Change in MU orders module!

Day 1,483, 23:43 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces

Plato decided to change eRepublik again (it's called 'improvements'). Now the changed affected orders in Military Units.

From now, Commander and Captain can change orders ONLY 5 times a day. This mean, that Units can react very slowly on the changes in global war. I wish commanders and captains wouldn't use all the changes in few hours, and would let every member to do their daily orders task and get bazooka and bar.

Indian Government will also try to set orders in such battles, to not use all changes too fast and allow everyone to get his reward.

Plato also added option to set auto-change of orders.

If you want to know more about new daily orders, you can read about them here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/tickets
Note, that you can share your ideas and opinions with Plato!

Minister of Defense