[Defense]Day 3798 orders

Day 3,798, 13:08 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

Greetings, eAmericans,

Our regions are under occupation, but we must not lose hope. Our citizens should be able to work in their factories, producing food, weapons and houses once more. Now is the time to regroup and think about how we will proceed from here. The map shows the occupation of our various regions at present:

As we regroup, we will continue to help our allies. Priorities are

1: For Russia in Volga-Vyatka, Greece
2: For Russia in Central Croatia.
3: Check national and MU feeds to see where to support the next RW.

For the latest updates on where to fight or support resistance wars, please join our Discord Strike Room. MU commanders can give you access.

Keep up to date and keep fighting, eUS!

WhyDoIBotherToo - PotUS
MaryamQ - Secretary of Defense