[Battle Order]Day2,249: Fight for India in Tamil Nadu

Day 2,249, 04:54 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces

This is the official newspaper of eIndia’s Ministry of Defense(MoD). It contains all the military news of eIndia. All the citizens are encouraged to fight in the battlefield(s) mentioned in this article. Please vote this article to the top of all the local articles and post the link to this article in all your ‘feeds’ in the homepage so that everyone can easily see it. Subscribe to this newspaper by clicking on the subscription box at the top right of this page in order to stay updated about the battle orders as well as war priorities, everyday. It should be noted that the order can be changed anytime during a single day if needed.


Priority 1:

Fight for India in Tamil Nadu against Thailand.
As most of you already know, Thailand have NE'ed India to get our regions for bonus. We should do everything we can to stop them.
This battle gets DEFCON 1 as per our standard.

At the time of writing this article, Thailand is leading by 21-1. But we can fight hard. 🙂

Fight hard, fight smart

Do NOT Fight here:

At same time we have another battle going on at Karnataka against Croatia. Do not fight there!! It is a stretegic battle. And with our limited firepower we can't afford to divide our firepower.


Ministry of Defense, eIndia.