[Appleby] Article of Intent / Unforgiving wall of text

Day 3,939, 07:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby


REWAR😨 £1.5m (@ £1/day)

March of the oldfags - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl3U_vtLAg8

o/ lads,

Cheers to MIK for forcing UKRP into running me again (and WRP for their semi-eager support). Even bigger cheers to Alfag for all his hard work and effort last month, pre-emptively trying to compensate for it.

As every department bar Huey has since slipped quietly into the night, new players having been carelessly thrown in the deep end; a fair bit of work will be needed rebuilding the place ‘from the ground up’.

This will be a slow and torturous process and I invite anyone interested in that sort of thing to join me in enjoying it for the month. Initially bar Huey there will be no ministers – people will need to earn the title this month rather than hide behind it.

I hope to have a more organised manifesto closer to election day but here are some of my thoughts so far. Anything daft or dangerous, I’d be grateful if you pointed it out now rather than grin and wait…


Again I’m particularly grateful to Alfag for offering to act as 'courier' for UKPP MUs on this. Our MoD is arguably the most in need of repair given current coordination has long gracefully defaulted out of existence.

This is not necessarily the sole fault of MIK – apathy has hit this department hard after soundly claiming most of the others. But the eagerness/desperation of our wanting meaningful action abroad must be matched by the functional ability to project power beyond 20 minutes (on a good day).

So we will try some of the old tricks given we probably can’t afford the fancy Lithuania-grade ones.

I am mostly in agreement with UKPP that direct mails are preferable to articles (unless in an auxiliary role). The obvious issue when Alfag tried this properly was the half the commanders were on the other side of the civil war and in open defiance.

But we will have to give it another punt imo. And despite all the evidence to the contrary, we’ll try and make it fun (and potentially even worth it in the end). Ideally we want a system strong enough to survive if the government of the day doesn’t.

There are those of us like Wayne and I that’ve mostly fallen out of the regular habit of fighting. It is fair enough given how meaningfully we can change the fate of the field compared to some.

But this is another symptom of apathy that needs to be reversed if we are even to defend ourselves. We should always be mindful the next dictator may not be as reasonable or short term as the last.

Individually we are mostly insignificant. Coordinated and eager, we can proudly upgrade our nation to ‘minor annoyance’ somewhere on the world stage. I will prod Huey into freeing up Q7s for tanks and food for newbies on this.

Those who are consistent and reliable in their damage output will be offered an honorary position as ‘chosen men’ and have their own thread and supplies in emergencies.


Several governments will immediately want to secure arrangements for the term. I would be particularly surprised if any of it was confidential so hopefully we can have an open discussion on whatever forigs deign to put on the table.

A few people have asked for ‘training’ in this area – whilst I’m hardly an expert on world affairs you’re welcome to join me on an epic adventure of finding out. If the process doesn’t naturally derail itself then we may even look forward to the revival of articles and potentially even useful updates as we gently meander along the international relations of the term.

As I said earlier MoD-wise, we may be able to pick a fight once we’ve relearned how to properly punch.


I’m happy to let Huey carry on his thing, and delighted he seems to have more time this month. To take advantage of this I’ve also asked Spite if he can work with us to get a good proper guide on current changes and where/what to look out for in bonuses for your production.

Depending on how many people engage with this we may open loans again to help new entrepreneurs start up their first few companies. At this point unless you already have a sizable amount of strength it’s not worth issuing new gold loans for training grounds, though we will provide food for you to heal yourself in air campaigns.


Honestly, other than a workable new guide for the economy and a rehash of the military and political side, these departments will have to wait until the others are on their feet. I’ve asked Woldy to help out on this area of things and could potentially get it lifted off the ground faster if people genuinely want to see it’s return. Perhaps ‘The Dick and Doberman’ can kick off here if those that get the reference remember it…

I apologize for the length of the above ;_;
