Canada Has Come Full Circle [USA]

Day 706, 18:39 Published in USA USA by Woxan
The Initial Invasion

105 days ago, on Day 601 of the new world, PEACE launched the invasion of North America in an attempt to crush Canada and the United States forever with the French attack on Nova Scotia. Taking advantage of a British change of heart and a crippled Croatia, France used its activated Indonesia and Hungary MPPs against Canada from the 541st day of eRepublik to hit Nova Scotia. In what was the most epic and biggest battle in that point in the eWorld's history, PEACE plunged the wall deeply into the negatives with EDEN forces pushing it up to just above the wall. The tank rush which followed resulted in a narrow victory for PEACE and the beginning of a 3+ month conflict.

Over the next 23 days, Canada fought and struggled to survive while France continued its advance and Russia invaded the continental United States. Canada attempted to block Russia and the USA attempted to block France, but disorganization split damage and allowed France to continue its advance throughout Canada's regions. In addition, PEACE used the turncoat Brits to swap into French held regions to prevent Canada for mounting a counterattack in the few moments where Canada or the United States had initiative. France slowly pushed Canada back, eventually securing the West coast and everything but Ontario. The resulting battle topped Nova Scotia and went several hours into overtime, with both sides tanking heavily throughout the entire duration. At one point, EDEN came within 20k of No Man's Land, but a resurgence of PEACE tanks soon followed and pushed Ontario into the underground. Canada had fallen, for the moment.

Canada's Resurgence

EDEN morale was low. Canada had fallen, Indonesia, Russia, and Portugal were thoroughly dividing up the United States, and PEACE had launched the invasion of Spain. However, less than 48 hours after the fall of Canada, a plan had been hatched to return Canada to the map. With PEACE tanks occupied in Spain and the United States, spare EDEN freedom fighters moved to the United Kingdom and launched resistance wars in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and 2 distraction resistance wars in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. This was where PEACE made one of it's first big mistakes in the war: they lent several regions to a liability of an ally that was militarily inept in every way possible. As the British RWs raged on for the day, we saw Brits tanking and using their army in the middle of the battle, only to have each region decisively won by a small group landing strategic strikes in each RW. With minimal amount of gold spent, Canada has returned to the world.

Following the initial liberation of those 3 regions, an unsuccessful resistance war in Alberta and a successful one in Nova Scotia soon followed. Alberta II was launched and successful while PEACE forces were busy trying to kill off the USA (which was down to a handful of regions), and fend off the Spanish Resistance. Canada placed down it's first Q5 Hospital in the new and improved Canada and started a resistance war in British Columbia against France. With the French occupied with the Spanish resistance that was throwing the French media into a hellstorm, the Canadian forces were able to secure another win and secure another High Resource region.

Now came the time for open war against France. France held Quebec and Ontario, both of which had high walls and would be difficult to take back via a resistance war. Taking advantage of the French forces in complete disarray and the American forces resurgent against Indonesia, the battle for Quebec was launched. As the time counted down, the Canadian forces successfully liberated Quebec while the United States reclaimed Texas and a Spanish victory in Castilla Y Leon. Five days later, Canada attacked Ontario, coupled with the American assault on California and the Spanish RW in Asturias. Canada and Spain were successful, seeing the return of 2 highly economically valuable regions from PEACE.

Then came the Iranian declaration of war. Another huge blunder on PEACE's part, gold was spent by Iran to open up the war with Canada to block Canada and prevent them from blocking Russia while the USA cleared out Indonesia. The Iranian President did not attack in his 24 hour window, and Canada attacked the Yukon. The Yukon was promptly reclaimed and then began the battle for the Northwest Territories. A Canadian victory would see the return of High Diamonds and the expulsion of Iran from North America. A loss would see a blocked Canada and a strained front for the United States. The Iranians have a habit of spending gold on every battle they partake in, and spend they did. Regardless, their spending was futile and they lost a key battle in the war, giving Canada it's High Diamonds and allows Canada to keep blocking Russia and Hungary.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. Canada has been blocking Hungary and the USA has driven out Russia, France, and Colombia while Norway pushed out Russia. Hungary held 3 Canadian regions, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Nunavut. The Huns deployed dual Q5s in Manitoba and Nunavut, their sole sources of Wood and Diamonds, respectively. Taking advantage of a dual American and Canadian strike and RWs in other parts of Hungary, the United States and EDEN forces retook Manitoba. This caused Hungary to panic. They had to give Saskatchewan and Washington back to force a confrontation in Nunavut. The Hungarians got their wish. In the final 15 minutes, the battle saw a 600,000 point swing in the USA's favor and conquered Nunavut, driving Hungary out of Canada, and having Canada's have all of it's original regions in their or the Untied States's hands.

In Conclusion

It took 105 days, but it has been done. In a few days, the USA will RW Nunavut back to Canada and the reunification will be complete. PEACE spent tens of thousands of gold and got what out of it? Canada has all of it's regions in BROALLIANCE hands, and Canada has returned stronger and smarter than before. The PEACE invasion of Canada has failed utterly, and now Canada has emerged as a strong and key player in EDEN.

Note: This is part of a series of articles I'm writing about World War 3. Stay tuned for an America, North Korean, Spanish, Greek, and more as time goes on.