What Inspires You?

Day 2,141, 18:42 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Inspiration is an interesting thing. What inspires some may have no effect on others. I'd like to tell you about a person who inspires me: Josh Frost. I played this game the last half of 2009 and the first part of 2010. I witnessed Josh Frost's first term as President during the golden age alluded to by gnilraps in his recent article. I returned to eRepublik in April of this year. An email about a gold mine piqued my curiosity. I found a different world than the one I left. My old Party the AAP was long gone, Ajay Bruno was on profile number 6ish, my profile was ridiculously underpowered, and my hard won land working skills were nowhere to be found. In confusion and despair I nearly recomitted my profile back to the ranks of the edead. Until a glance at the media module showed me a glimpse of light.

Josh Frost had returned and was joining the Federalists! The article was fun, light, and energetic. Attributes that I remembered so well from the closing days of WW3. So I joined the Feds as well. From the moment I joined Frost has been a very good friend. He provided me with excellent advice and help in making the right decisions in regards to adjusting to the new economic module. Occasionally I would log in and find random gifts of tanks and/or food from Frost. On messaging him to ask why he'd respond with something along the lines of keep up the good work. If I published an article he would post it in irc or shout it to his friends. In short, he was an excellent friend and mentor to a random recently returned newb. I have no doubt that I'm not the only recipient of such selfless acts of kindness.

As you have no doubt learned by now, Josh Frost is running for President, and you have probably surmised that I'm endorsing Frost for Potus. We're in dire straits right now America. A wipe looks imminent, trust in the government and Congress has ebbed to an all time nadir. The work tax has created a mess of problems, and we have no bonuses. This has lead to a steep decline in the number of citizens in the eUSA. Some are quitting, and some are moving to another country. Frankly I empathize with those who believe things look irreparable. However I ask you who remain or are on the fence about leaving to place your trust in Frost. The road back will not be quick or easy, but Frost is the right person at the right time to help us begin our journey. He's been there before, and the results speak for themselves.

I don't mean to imply that I believe Frost is going to miraculously save us from this mess. What I'm saying is he has the experience, he has a plan, and he genuinely cares about this country. He cares about the citizens of this country. As someone who has tried to convince Josh Frost to run for months I can tell you he's doing this for the right reasons. We have a great work ahead of us America. Don't give in, keep fighting. Please join with me in voting for Frost on the 5th of October.