What happened and why that happened? Full story

Day 6,038, 17:33 Published in North Macedonia United Kingdom by Mahirpasha

Hello Dear eMacedonian friends,
In one of the eMacedonian battles, I hit on Busavg's and stole his medal with 1000% bonus. That is something I don't usually do-espacially during this event. However, busavg stole my medal last year during Balloon bonanza event with a significant percent of bonus. That is the reason I stole from him.
I just wanted you to know the full story.

I heard that he will look for revenge from all Turkish players-there is nothing I can do about this. It is not my responsibility to keep people's medals safe-Good luck with that.

If you come and chase me- good luck with that as well. Sometimes I will lose, sometimes I will win but surely it will be costly for everyone. Unlike some people, I keep the revenge specific to the person who steals from me.

I don't have any problem with any of you.
