What eMalaysia Future Hold?

Day 1,283, 09:16 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

Nobody's Land... that's what the future is all about!

I'm a proud eMalaysian. But I rarely stay long in any eMalaysian soil.
To continue living with something meaningful, I have to move around in neighbouring countries looking for war.

Occasionally I come back to eMalaysia as blocker in elections; defending the nation if attacked; or acquiring a new job if I'm fired.

I can have plenty of food, so I don't have to worry buying in foreign markets. I still buy eMalaysian goods as possible as I can. Usually through donation process: I send some MYR to somebody to buy things I need.

Why should I care if our eMalaysia is having MPP or not?
I support that for the sake of newbies... but for me, it's not my priority because I'm in some other countries.

Being a citizen of eMalaysia, I'm still involve directly with the nation economy. I have some small companies running thus I can provide job for other citizens, and contributing in marketplace activities.

I still write from time to time in the eMalaysian media even though I have a handful of readers only.

I guess everybody else are pretty much like me. We got our own living to take care of.

But please... please do not leave eMalaysia altogether.

I know some of you have gotten rich overtime. When Malaysian economy seems to be perpetual in bad shape... or damaged by PTO activities, many people has chosen to save their wealth and good living.

The only way to do that is by migrating to other country. Bringing all your companies and media. CHANGING YOUR CITIZENSHIP.
Oh my, life in a big country is hell a lot of fun.
American chicks are hot; Japanese girls are wild;... Chinese amoi ahh 'lenglui'...
Booze is cheap, Party all day and night.

So who stay behind to continue building and strengthening the country?
Nobody in this no man's land.... except some poor beggars.

So what?
Can a bunch of beggars build a strong nation??

Only those strong, rich and experienced people can push and guide the nation forward.

Well, this is after all is just a game. Patriotism is long gone forgotten.
I can't argue no more.

Minister of Education,