Vootman's New Born Kamikaze Babies

Day 6,076, 03:17 Published in USA Turkey by Guide in Town

Hello peeps!

So exiceted to share you a new update in game.

No, no! It's not about the bot army of Vootman. We all know these packed accounts and get used to fight against them.

That's something so new that I had never seen and expected by Herr Vootman. But somehow he managed to do that too.

Yes. He had created a lot e-mails and got new accounts like most of the people were doing at the beginning of eRepublik in 2010!

He had new babies and never shared this with e-World! Damn man! But I'am sure you have more of that. You can do it!

https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/9700879 ( that's the only daughter he has )

Congratulations Vootman! We wish happy and healty life for your new born babies! They are so cute with stingers 😁

For that good news, I will do a food give-away for every comment in article!