Things Can Only Get Beta

Day 6,070, 13:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Betafoxtrot

The past month has seen the eUK operate with a full and functional Government for the first time in ages. It's been a very rewarding experience to take part in as a minister, and I am running for CP in part to try and continue and build upon that good work.

This means using the four goals of the eUKs strategic vision (below), but looking to tweak, enhance, and add to a few policies to help deliver them and to see what works.

I think adopting strategic ambitions for the eUK has succeeded in putting across why we have particular policies, and help justify them to the public and Congress. Here's a run through of the policy changes I want to explore to help achieve these aims:


The Governor should present the budget proposal for each fund to Congress at the beginning of the Congressional term. This proposal should include detailed allocations for each sector, ensuring transparency and foresight in our financial planning. Additionally, when presenting the budget, the Governor should also provide tax recommendations based on the latest market trends and income data. This will ensure that our fiscal policies are responsive to economic fluctuations and provide optimal value for eUK citizens and we should establish a system where income flow is reviewed and adjusted on a monthly basis. This proactive approach will allow us to react swiftly to events such as economic shifts, market trends, and conflicts, thereby maintaining financial stability and supporting the nation's needs.


We aim to expand the platforms through which we run national games, utilizing the national feed as well as exploring options like Discord to increase engagement. Additionally, we will publish an educational landing page in the Ministry of Education paper to be included in all MoEd communications. This will serve as a centralized resource for new and existing citizens, ensuring they have access to up-to-date and relevant information. We will also ensure that the eUK Welcome message is current and that resources on the eRepublik Wiki are regularly updated to complement in-game communications, providing a seamless onboarding experience for newcomers.


Our military strategy includes integrating a set of Military Unit incentives into our rewards programs to encourage participation and performance. The Ministry of Education will actively reach out to MU captains to assist them in navigating Daily Orders and accessing the latest information from the Ministry of Defense (MoD). This collaboration will ensure that our military units are well-informed and effectively coordinated, enhancing our overall defense capabilities.

Foreign Affairs

We will continue our proactive approach to foreign relations, with an emphasis on identifying and engaging potential recruits from abroad. Regular updates on global events will be provided to Congress to keep them informed and involved in foreign affairs discussions that impact the eUK. Additionally, a comprehensive report will be delivered to Congress detailing the influential entities in our region and outlining the eUK's strategic options for long-term foreign policy. This will enable Congress to make informed decisions that align with our national interests.
An example of how we’ve advertised abroad

In conclusion, I ask for your support in the upcoming election on Friday. By voting for me, you are endorsing a vision of continued progress and active governance. The eUK boasts a wealth of experience and creativity, qualities that make our nation great. Let's harness these strengths to build upon the successes of the past two terms and ensure a bright future for all eUK citizens.

The eUK has a wealth of experience and creativity that makes us a great nation - let's continue to use it and continue to have a full and active Government!
