Day 1,207, 13:58 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

Happy school holiday season!

As announced in previous article(Grand Event Coming), I hereby officially launch the National Writing Competition –
The President’s Cup.

This competition is open to everybody who bear eMalaysian citizenship, regardless of where they are located right now.
Anybody with foreign citizenship; especially ex-eMalaysians who wish to enter this event may do so by applying eMalaysian nationality (through a little formalities with the Ministry of Internal Affair).

We are also warm heartedly inviting everybody in eRepublic to join this event by voting and commenting on the participating articles. Invalueable experience may be shared together by the contestants and viewers alike.

The event will be held for slightly over a week:
Starting NOW on day 1207(11March, 2011)
Ending on day 1015(20thMarch); precisely at 23:59 eRepublik time.

The rewarding bounty awaiting:
THE GRAND PRIZE = 10 Gold + MYRxxx + Q5 hamper
1st prize = 5 Gold + MYRxxx + Q5 hamper
2nd prize = 3 Gold + MYRxxx + Q5 hamper
3rd prize = 2 Gold + MYRxxx + Q5 hamper

WOW… !!!
But the good news does not stop here; there are plenty more mystery prizes to be won!
• 5 consolation prizes
• Special category awards such as Early Bird’s Worm for the first article published; and Video Jack Shield for the winning military article. Yet, who knows what other special categories to be unveiled
• Appreciating tokens for every participation!
You may spam as many entry you like, for each entry positively approved by the judges will surely win something. Come on, you may win multiple awards here… Isn’t that generous?

I guess it is clear now that everybody is a winner.

For more details please check GUIDELINES and FAQs.

Best of luck everybody.

Sincerely yours,

Minister of Education,