The Interview you have ALL been waiting for!

Day 1,224, 02:08 Published in South Africa New Zealand by Sir George Grey

I decided to get away from my LCD screen this weekend, so I did some ‘googling’ of local events running over the weekend. I found one. I got dressed appropriately and left to go to the celebration of the creation of Sir Elton John’s eRepublik Military Unit at McDonalds in Claremont. I bumped into a very important man. I managed to convince his manager into letting me interview him.

Some say that he is Jeremy Clarksons father and some even say that his quack really does echo. He is The Stig. Here is how it went down:

Kyle Frandsen: “Hi Stig. Firstly I know you are not a man of many words, so I’ll keep this short. How long have you been playing eRepublik?”
The Stig: Lifts up his hand showing the reverse peace sign.

Kyle Frandsen: “So two years then?”
The Stig: No response.

Kyle Frandsen: "I see. Would you consider yourself as a tank?"
The Stig: No response.

Kyle Frandsen: "How many Battle Hero medals have you won since you have been playing eRepublik?"
The Stig: Lifts up his hand showing me the middle finger.

Kyle Frandsen: "Only one? I checked your profile and saw that you have won twelve, are you sure?"
The Stig: Lifts up his hand showing me the middle finger again.

It was at this point that I thought something was amiss, but alas, I tried to continue. I gave him a confused look.

Kyle Frandsen: "Do you believe that the changes made to eRepublik will benefit everybody?"
The Stig: Staring at a Citi Golf in the parking lot with chrome rims and a very loud sound system – so again no response.

Kyle Frandsen: "I am sorry Stig, should we maybe do this interview later? You seem pre-occupied and slightly rude."

He jumped up, ripped off his helmet and came running at me. I saw his face. You would never believe who the Stig was. I vowed not to say anything though. I was amazed to say the least.

Apparently it didn’t end well. I am using my tongue to type this because both my arms are broken from a roundhouse kick I received from The Stig.

I phoned McDonald's for their CCTV footage, but apparently that was on the receiving end of a roundhouse kick too. If I find anything else out about The Stig, I’ll be sure to keep dead quiet about it.

Sent from my Blackberry in a secret location.