The Freedom of Press

Day 1,208, 21:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

As you may see, most of the articles published are on behalf of the government. Where has the freedom of press gone?

eMalaysian media has been dull and inactive for quite sometime.
We need new avid writers to show up. It's been long we haven't seen a brand new publication pop out. While all the veterans are either eDead, hibernating or have migrated to other countries.

It's seems currently we have only less than 30 people who care to read and vote for the articles. Then if I'm lucky, half of them will care to read my bulletin. Out of those numbers, I believe there will be only 10% who have a publication and willing to write in the competition.

I'm hoping for just 10%... you calculate yourself how sad it will be. *sigh*