The Factors

Day 1,112, 03:18 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

There were some kids came to my place talking about their previous experience on SPM (Middle school final exam). They really think they had done good on History and Geography (alas, the other subjects will flunk).
I don’t think they will score A on those subjects either.

I said that because those kids failed to understand the big picture of those subjects. What I meant is in every aspect in those subjects, you have to pull together 3 main factors for holistic understanding regarding on any matter: POLITICS, ECONOMY and SOCIAL.

Leave them be.
Now, here we on this eRepublic platform also confined within these 3 main factors.


If we look at the map under the politic section, we will get a territorial map.
The political activities can be extrovert and introvert. We are in the middle of these two different games trying to keep things in balance.
A sample of an extrovert activity is through military. We fight other countries to expand our territory or defending ours. We also make packs and alliances.
As for the inner politics, we are subjected to power struggle within our community.

The never ending crisis in eMalaysia is that we have lost our unity. Political party does not show any relevance at all except it is just for the protocol of the game.
We may easily blame others who go against us as we think we represent eMalaysia. But they are also doing so as they think of the direction of eMalaysia through their point view.
With no respect and understanding, nobody have the right to be eMalaysian.

Can you people keep the balance?
One regular immoral issue: Using multies.
In a way it is good to strengthen the nation on military and economics for those who are able to tend them. But at the same time it’s worrying political rivals within the nation. There are no more trust within us, thus everybody stray on their own direction.

To make my point on how bad is our current internal politics are, yesterday I made a proposal on congress. Since I got kicked out of my job due to recent game modification; we have no more stone to produce. I proposed to lessen the tax on stone.
I myself voted NO to my own proposal.
Then I waited. Yes and No, the votes gradually got diverted. But for what?
I checked in the forum, and my message box… nobody asked anything about it.

I wonder why, for this is my second term as a congressman, but never any proposal made were clearly explained to the voting congressmen, let alone it be properly discussed.


Good economy means wealth. People are happy and easy living.
But the details that we have to deal with is enormous; Labour, Capital, Resources… Production, Distribution, Exchange, Consumption… bla bla bla…

Management is the summary of it.

Actually the real interesting part of this game is it’s economy.
Yet we have so few people that’s affordable, competent and well guided to get involved.
It is the gold mine. And initially we need sufficient gold to bring in more gold.

Only those who are involved in running any business may understand this world.
The rest are just perpetually newbies.


Democracy brings equality. In theory…
But we will never be equal in any way. We are just harmonizing the differences.

People like Nicholas, Straatman are not real life Malaysian. Mansour is also non-Malaysian although he is staying in KL now. It’s not strange to me if these guys are puzzled with the attitude of players from RL Malaysia. The social gap is different.
The RL Malaysian are blended of multi cultures and races.
Even for me as a senior in age as to compare with others, feeling awkward a bit too.
The way of thinking, motives and approaches are different.

For the current instance: The Forum.
I am an avid forumner since the past 6 years or so. During that time the forums that I got involved were so active and very informative. Pity nowadays those forums are dying. One of the factor that I can think of is the trend is changing. People move to other social platforms such as Facebook and blogs. The youngsters also keen on instant phone messaging and live chatting. It’s their style…keep it short and fast moving… and sometimes just for nonsense.
While an old forumner like me still think that forum gives room for everybody to share with enough material and allow people to think deeper with more time to reply.

My question: Do people in the administrative seats are willing to understand their people; or they just want people to understand them?
Napoleon Bonaparte had some 350,000 army. Miraculously that guy knew every name and rank of each of them.
How well do you know the citizens of eMalaysia?... Just give me 20 people.