It's coming home - Never write while still excited!

Day 6,082, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citoyen Vigneron

Few days ago I was talking to a dear friend about my will to write an article but without knowing about what.
And then, later that evening, I watched a movie that was exciting me since when the trailer has been released....Axel F.

Born and raised between 80's and '90s, Beverly Hills Cop trilogy (from now on only "the trilogy") is something special for me. A great theme song, great plots and actors, a main character not taking himself too seriously. Of course I've watched those movies many times.

So that's why when the new movie was announced I was a bit scared. Revivals are often not so good and I was even more worried because of the time (20 years!!) passed since the release of the third episode. But then I saw the trailer and finally the movie and....well, it's something great!
By the way not something that risks to gain an Oscar award but something even greater because it makes you feel at home.
I honestly can't remember the last time that I watched a movie and that then I felt so good after the end, in a sort of state of peace with myself and the whole universe.

As I said, I felt as if I was at home, like living ancient memories in the house of the grandparents, like a taste or scent that brings you back in time in a place you loved and that still has its special place in your heart.

And voilà the inspiration for the article.

In these days I'm living a great passage for my elife. I was thinking to go back at home when I moved back to France but maybe... maybe home is not where you were born, but where your heart is. At least in a particular moment of your life...
And Axel F suggested to me that, at the end, England has a special place in my elife.
Coming back here it's like watching the last Beverly Hills Cop movie. In a new form, I can find all the elements that made my last English stay wonderful.

First of all action. Action as an active community but not only. In the trilogy good and bad were better defined but in the modern world things are more complicated (doesn't this remind you one other great scene of 007 Skyfall with Judy Dench mentioning a poem?).

We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Once recognising and distinguishing white and black was easier but the time teaches us an important lesson... we draw borders, we accept lines traced by other people, we are afraid of crossing those lines and to leave the safe space.
But a great thing is to recognise that, in the end, we all want the best for ourselves and who we love. So don't be afraid of trying something new...things evolve and we can evolve with them. Or at least never stop trying!

Second, the movie talks about friendship. It was exciting to have on the screen three actors that granted the success of the trilogy. But, again, things evolve.

So we have to try to not focus on the past. I'm pleased to meet the old friends, sad to not find some others but I don't forget that I can always find some new ones. This may be difficult, this will need time in order to gain their trust but it may be worth it.
So I'm coming back with the hope to work together with the old ones and the new.
Again, let's try to put cooperation in the first place: the best for the nation should be the best for everyone (or at least for the real majority).

Third, time goes on. The modern world is different from the trilogy's era: Axel can't shoot everywhere he wants in the streets , nor he can make some trouble without being filmed by someone 's smartphone etc. So he's forced to evolve and use new methods.
The passing of time can also help you to heal the wounds and give you the chance to make things you never imagined or cross lines you've always taken for granted. Let's try to go beyond what happened in the past, in order to have a better future together. Time passes and new opportunities will knock at the door.

Fourth, kindness. With friendship, kindness is always the key. We have to accept that it may be that we want the same goal but by having different approaches.
So kindness should help us to create a safe space of dialogue, a bridge between factions, going beyond the past and thinking about what we can do now for a better future, with no regrets for what brought us where we are. We can't change the starting point but we can decide where to arrive. Working together, respectfully even when we may not understand the plan of the other side, has to be the key of our daily actions.

Until now it may seem that I'm back in paradise but we all know that things have slightly changed.
UK is going thru a reassessment period and I would like to help to reach the best possible transition by applying in my relations with everyone of you the things I'm writingn the article.
But let me add some other points to the list....

Fifth, action (again, yes)! I invite you to keep proposing and bring to life new ideas. I'll be always open to new projects, maybe sometimes to directly help and maybe some others only to help you to give them a better shape. In both the situations, you can count the same on me.
I want to keep to interact with people. Often we complain about the admins but I think that the fault is mainly our if the social part of this game has been a bit lost. So I'll keep the will to interact with all of you, new and old friends. Or we won't be so different from the 2clickers.

Sixth, evolution... For me too sometimes it is difficult to accept new things, try to change my mind, evolve and be a better myself but I'll be open to consider new plans, approaches and most of all I won't let my mind be fixed on what happened in the past. We are playing today for a future that we can shape.
Kindness (and respect). Always, with no exception, for everything we do

Additional point: if something is not fun for you, do something to change it. If a place doesn't fit you, change it. Dying in the immobility or trying something new? I have no doubts on the answer.

That's it. You have read the fool thoughts of someone still excited from a movie that is a great revival of the 80's and 90's trilogy... I hope that, while reading, you may have found at least some guidelines that can inspire your future in our nation.
Thank you and stay tuned. And, as said, my inbox is always waiting for new messages.

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