global news: CP elections, +upcoming events.

Day 6,041, 09:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends, hello.

So with the Balloon Bonanza event gone and dusted, we move onwards in the first month of summer to wait for the icarus challenge event, which will most likely give us some new airplane blueprints to collect, or something similar.

as stated before, the upcoming events are going to be :

the air bonus event :

the icarus challenge for aviators :

the autumn sales in september,

the halloween event in october :

im not sure if they will do a new crypto event later, but :

And in november, they will definitely do the new ''anniversary event'', which is one of the coolest events in the game, and one of the biggest highlights of erepublik in general.

link :

but also :

So, we will have a nice little path of events ahead of us, after a slow summer.

Last but not least, we have the CP elections upon us.
so, once again, i will choose for the safe choice, the valid choice, and for the path of stability in our community.

For those reasons, i choose nerusia.

Order against chaos.
Light against darkness,
Structure against instability.

Its an easy choice to make.

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. an irish player.