eUnivesity of Malaya Convocation

Day 1,292, 13:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

A few weeks ago, I launched a Degree on Political Science program through eUniversity of Malaya.

It is hard to convince people that learning is an important opportunity to grab. Most people think that they are merely born as insects or a starfish!

Why I said like that?
Because other than mammals, knowledge is passed through DNA from good parents… or for being born straight away to stardom, a starfish do not even require a brain at all. Life is always enjoyable for Spongebob and Patrick Star.

In that Degree Program, it is was not meant for a joke. I deliberately manipulated the reading materials as a good analytic comprehension study.

I have promised a handsome reward for those who manage to graduate in this program.
That was not a joke too.

I have collected 12Gold for the previous MoE program: The national writing competition aka ‘The President’s Cup’ in March. Since nobody cared to participate in the competition, I asked my deputy of that time, Athre , to keep the money in the Bank Negara. Satoshi as the President of that term knows best.

Now for the convocation ceremony.
The grand hall is empty. Only a handful of students hand over their thesis.

The Dean's Award goes to…… Prince Athre Aorentz!
The 2nd Runner Up goes to.... RX 0 Unicorn Gundam!
The 3rd Place goes to………… Satoshi Tomiie!

My judgement is very fair beyond doubt.
After those 3, I can’t find any good submission… or almost no other submission at all.
So, those 3 winners just may draw their winnings from the bank by their own. ‘Cause only they know where they hide it… hahaha.

The final lesson is... This is legal.
It is how politicians in RL get richer everyday. They create a community program which in the end would end up in their own pockets, when the others do not see the opportunity how to grab it.

Yes, do not hesitate Athre, Gundam and Satoshi…. You guys deserve it.
Everybody can see it is totally legal and clean money.

You won’t get this kind of lesson from anybody else in eRepublik, but me.
I believe nobody else here ever PTO a RL nation yet, but me.
That's not a joke too.

Yeah... All in all, everything is a good joke for the day.

Regarding the current warfare scenario, I would like to pass my highest gratitude to those who took part in the RW in Peninsular and Sarawak. Especially to my old time friend Hajariyan who did a great effort in the Sarawak; and I also did see his eIranian friend xerxes99 snatched a battle hero too.

It is beyond the MPP between eMalaysia and eIran to be able to participate in this RW war. They must have travelled to the battle ground at their own expenses for that. Thanks again guys.


Minister of Education,