Constitutional Congress - February 2018

Day 3,718, 14:38 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Date: Day 3718 of the New World

Today I ask you to cast your vote for the Constitution Party.

And I’m prepared to tell you why.

But before I do that, let me mention the citzens who will be representing either the Constitution Party or another Party in good standing with us.

Our top two spots are given to our guests. Evry is solidly AMP and Deepchill is aPolitical, hailing from EZC’s Apolitical Party. We made a commitment to run them, so we’ll honor that commitment by making sure they get in.

The remainder of our team are those who have displayed the most activity and engagement with the game and Forum since the conversation about this new Party began. It makes perfect sense that they should represent us in Congress. They are: Andy Dufresne, dmjohnston, Animis, Carlos3652, just another George, me, Wild Owl, Celtic Knight, Derphoof, tdwester, Heikanu, and Marius CB.

There are a few additional Party members who have also expressed more than just a little interest in being included in Congress, so we are greatly hoping for an excellent voter turnout. If you will give us your vote, we may also be able to send ThePrinceOfBosnia, greeling(!), H U L K, Gessho, and Slava.

That's right, you have the power to send MORE GREELING into Congress. Congress needs more greeling.

Some time soon we even hope to see your name on a list like this.

But why should you vote for the Constitution Party instead of the other Parties asking for your vote?

A vote for the Constitution Party is better for eUSA, better for eRepublik, and ultimately better for you.

The Constitution Party has inherited the distinguished history of the United States Workers Party whose Congressmen and women over the years have consistently produced and passed the finest legislature. The Constitution Party will continue to execute the will of eUSA by furthering the rule of law.

We also are vested in the future of both eUSA and the eUnitedStates Forum. The Constitution Party works to make playing eRepublik as a citizen of eUSA more fun than playing the game in any other eNation.

Our Constitution Party candidates, including our friends, have all shown their commitment to the eUSA community in how they’ve served and what they’ve done.

Please vote for Constitution Party candidates on Day 3719 of the New World.

And let’s have a clean campaign.

The Constitution Party stands for

Access to legislative power
Stewardship of tax revenue
Sovereignty of eUSA

That is where you'll find me... In the HOUSE.

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