Day 1,099, 20:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

Today I’m serving my readers with some exquisite food for the brain.
I’m presenting here some book reviews which are I recommend as ‘must read’.

ANIMAL FARM – A FAIRY STORY (1945-George Orwell)

When I first joined this game, the late MrAleph (alas zombified) made a request so that some day I’ll discuss ‘The Animal Farm’ in my bulletin. (That time I was still a newbie, without my own media).
This is a fairy tales that I read when was in my younger days. It is a satire reflecting the Stalin era of communism. An old boar named Old Major brought the idea that human are parasites and all animal should revolutionize and rebel against Mr Jones(the farm owner). After Old Major’s death, his idea was carried onward by two young pigs; Snowball and Napoleon.
They create the Seven Commandments of Animalism; as for Boxer the horse was the true believer adopted Maxim by proclaiming “I will work harder”
The pigs elevated themselves to position of leadership; thus they were given privilege of good food for health. Yet there’s a competition between Snowball and Napoleon.
Snowball did it by preaching philosophically especially on the idea to erect a windmill. Yet Napoleon went on an underground movement and used his dogs to chase away Snowball.
Later on Napoleon appointed another young pig named Squealer as his mouthpiece spreading propagandas saying that Snowball only steal his ideas. Naturally Napoleon abused his power.

Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer are always my favorite subjects about the Communist Pigs.
You can get you free PDF copy here:
Animal Farm

THE PRINCE (1513- Niccolo Machiavelli)

This is immoral.
It’s the way of politicking the way of hypocrites; to achieve and gain position through backstabbing, disloyal, legalize anything just for the sake of ones ambition.
This is the staple reading for every SHOE members.

You may get your free 239 pages PDF copy from here:
The Prince

So, it is useless to debate something based on moral with those SHOEs.

THE ART OF WAR ( >2000BC - Sun Tzu)

Included in the Seven Military Classics.
I read them when they were 1st translated to English in the mid 80’s. I still have those books somewhere in my dusty cupboard. The wisdom is clear and easily understood.
With simple analogies and practices. This is a must read for any military general and any leader.
Once the Emperor asked Sun Tzu to train some people, he just took a bunch of concubines and trained them. Of course those women tended to giggle and play around. Sun Tzu just unsheathed his sword and beheaded one of them.
The message is clear enough, The Art of War is the matter of life and death.
It’s not for people with heart made out of jelly.

SULWAN AL-MUTA’ FI ‘UDWAN AL-ATBA’ (Muhammad ibn Zafar al-Siqilli)

Translated as ‘A Manual of Leadership’ and nicknamed ‘THE JUST PRINCE’. If you think Machiavelli’s PRINCE is somewhat relevant to the modern day, you must read this book.
It was written by a Sicilian Moslem political advisor back to 800 years ago. At that time Sicily was at the height of it’s supreme governing and scholastic era. Remind me of Sicilian Defence in chess; and also no wonder I can find traces where might have been the root of honour in Mafia code of ethique.
Some of the quotes are very straight forward practical discourses, and some are elaborated in beautiful ala ‘1001 Night’ fables (If you’d notice, I applied that approach in my previous writings too).


Read and understand… You may know who’s Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer of this game.
Any of them just could be you.