Bombay Sapphire eUSA Congressional Gin

Day 3,717, 09:07 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Date: Day 3717 of the New World

An illustration by Boethius detailing the cyclical and mathematical relationships of musical notes.

The philosopher Boethius spent his life pondering the cyclical nature of all things. (He lived during the earliest years of what we commonly refer to as the “middle ages”, more specifically around the turn of the 5th century AD.)

I’m not sure he’s 100% right in all his conclusions, but his observations are beautiful and the world would be in deeper poverty without Boethius.

In eRepublik (where PHILOSOPHERS RUN WILD!!!), Boethius would have had a field day. Plato might have all the power around here, but with a little help from Boethius and his Rota Fortunae (Wheel of Fortunes), we can become better players. Thanks Boethius!

Yes, all things work in cycles in eRepublik. A Country President is elected on one day only to be replaced (or re-elected) 30 (or 28 or 29 or 31) days later. (Note to Plato: the Lunar Cycle is far more consistent than the Gregorian calendar. Maybe consider that…) Ditto Party President and Congressperson. The Wheel of Fortunae turns and turns and turns and turns...

But I’m wasting pixels.

What I’m really here to discuss today is…

Congressional Elections, specifically in eUSA.

Boethius would point out that they occur on the 25th of each month. (OMG how Boethius would HATE the Gregorian Calendar! ...probably hated the Julian Calendar too…)

What does it mean to be awarded a seat in the eUnited States of America’s Congress?

Read on.

Being a Congressperson in eRepublik means very little, actually. You can propose (and vote on) laws, but because in eUSA there are a lot of Congresspeople who take these laws very seriously, your proposal will get SHOT DOWN unless you’ve done some work to lobby for votes.

But how?

Enter the eUS Forum

This is where all of the action in eUSA Government takes place.

It is admittedly slightly wonky to have to register at another website in order to play well at the eRepublik website, but this slight inconvenience yields a cornucopia of gamish blessing!

On the eUS Forum, Congress has spent more than a decade honing an official eConstitution as well as an Official Code that enables its proper implementation.

It is in the highest spirit of gaming that there be such things. The existance of the eUS Constitution and Code is, as far as I am concerned, among the most charming things about eRepublik itself. Go figure.

The existance of the eUS Constitution and Code represents thousands of hours of debate and effort, tens of thousands of pages of ideas and arguments, and the best efforts of the brightest players to make playing eRepublik as a citizen of eUSA fun, intriguing, and rewarding in ways that cannot be measured in terms of gold, energy bars, prestige points, or Hero medals.

If you re-read that paragraph, then consider your own potential place within the dialogue and debate, you can see the allure of being a Congressperson in eUSA.

But let me tempt you further!

So the Constitution and Code sets forth dicta for protocol and establishes a balance of powers between those who hold various ingame (and meta) positions. Country Presidents (and/or Dictators), and Congresspersons are given parameters for exercising their ingame powers. A Speaker of the House (probably should be renamed Speaker of the Congress, but w/e), Deputies SoH, various “Secretaries” (what are known as “ministers” in other RL countries), and other meta-contrived offices are also given their parameters for exercising their meta(and in)-game powers. It’s all very intriguing.

The fun begins, though, once you are elected to (ingame) Congress.

Prior to becoming a Congressperson, we can all follow along with what Congress is doing and discussing by accessing the “Public Congressional Proceedings forum boards. There are 91 threads (plus 4 stickies) there dating back to just September 25th of 2017. If you think eRepublik is a “dead game”, you haven’t seen the eUS Forum boards. Think about it. eUS Congress averages 22+ new public discussion threads per month. Yes, some of them are silly (translation: FUN!!!), but most are srs bzns.

But wait, there’s more!

Once you are a Congressperson, you also gain access to…

There we find 40 more discussion threads (plus stickies) during the same time frame. That means there is an average of 35+ new threads per month for Congresspeople in eUSA to engage.


But there’s more.

Long-standing and proven Congresspeople are sometimes appointed to the:

Members there, though they are few in number, are expected to respond to questions and requests in a timely manner. We're talking minutes, not hours. The most URGENT and SENSITIVE business gets discussed there. SCI Congresspeople are representing the will of Congress in decisions that Congress itself is too cumbersome to respond to quickly. SCI is “Nimble Congress”.

There is lots of other activity going on just within the “Halls of Congress”. Take a look at this:

Intriguing, isn’t it?

A brief glimpse at that image reveals one of the finest dynamics of the eUS Forum. It is multi-partisan. Look over the list of moderators in just those few child boards (there are many others!).

rainy sunday - Independant
Molly Emma - Federalist
Bob Boudahili - Federalist
dmjohnston - Constitution Party
shadowber - Federalist
GoalieBCSC - Independant
Evry - American Military Party
Deepchill - TOTALLY Independant
Gnilraps - ...ahem… CONSTITUTION PARTY FTW!

You get the idea.

(“Why are there no Black Sheep or SFP?” Those two parties removed themselves from Forum business last year. They remain 100% invited and where they participate they are equally respected. So yes, the eUS Forum is completely multi-partisan. Also, SCI is usually populated in a multi-partisan way, including representatives of all participating parties. We are an ecumenical council!

What I am trying to show you is that being a Congressperson in eUSA is like adding a Nitrous Oxide Boost to your otherwise stock engine eRepublik experience. Don’t like that metaphor? Being a Congressperson in eUSA is like adding a double-shot of espresso to your Tall Latte at Starbucks. Being a Congressperson in eUSA is like drinking your Gin and Tonic with Bombay Sapphire London Dry Gin instead of that shitty Aristocrat Gin that you people from elsewhere insist upon imbibing. For shame.

I feel like I’ve made my point.

It’s too late to run for Congress in eRepublik this month. By now every Party has established its caucus.

The Constitution Party has established its list based on several factors.

Who was helpful in the transition from USWP to eCP?
Who hasn’t made an ass of him or herself in past Congressional terms?
Who, from outside of the eCP, has distinguished him (or in the case of Evry, her)self?

It’s not that complicated. If you want to experience a real Gin and Tonic, get yourself ready to run for Congress. And if you want to put yourself in a great position to succeed, pay attention to the Constitution Party Forum Boards which will be launched later today and will be a place to discuss all things ePolitical. You are welcome there even if your name is Franklin Stone.

Above all, find your way into eUSA Congress. It’s the absolute best of what eRepublik has to offer.

If you want to understand what the nature of the Constitution Party is, check out my earlier article.

I will quote this from it:

The Constitution Party will be a political home to anyone who believes that the Constitution is the key to the best possible eUSA experience.

Our Constitution should be kept so that it insures full access to legislative power for all present and future citizens, codifies prudent stewardship of all tax revenue, and safeguards the present and future sovereignty of eUSA among eNations.

Access to legislative power
Stewardship of tax revenue
Sovereignty of eUSA

These three ideals, given the browser-game sandbox created by eRepublik itself, are too precious to entrust to individuals so they must be upheld by constitutional law. If preserved, eUSA will retain whatever “freedom” can be said to exist in a browser game owned and operated by a private company.

That is where you'll find me.

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