[WRP] Aaron for PP

Day 2,701, 07:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Honhourable members, with Huey taking a stand down from politics and the recent dictatorship crisis I believe that we need someone in command of the party who can unite us in our time of need.

My Main Ideology
I believe that we as a party should be working towards:
1. Attracting new, young players to the party, and working to keep them here, and keep them motivated to play the game. The number of citizens and new players quitting the game is increasing all the time, so I believe we need to focus on bringing more new players to the fold. I myself was not too long ago a new player to the game, and understand the difficulties faced. I believe we need to, as a party, run various activities and give as much help and support as we can, answering any queries. I, as Party President, will also regularly volunteer myself to answer many of these queries.

2. I will focus on developping internal candidates for Country Presidancy. The past few months we have either backed a potential CP candidate, CptChazbeard, or not backed a candidate at all. I believe that we should be focusing on running eager WRP candidates, and also garnering support for them from other parties, in order to heighten the profile of the WRP. This will be done through the medium of elections, and members of our parties producing either an article, or a speech on why they would like to run for Country President. As we are a party that support equality I believe we should do these things democratically.

3. Work on enhancing the political skills of both young and old players. I myself have recently been fortunate to have been placed at the top of the Congressional Elections table. I am very fortunate and grateful for this position, and I am there along with several other long serving and first term congress candidates from both the WRP and other parties alike. I believe we should strike an equal balance each month between new, eager and able candidates, and older, long serving candidates to represent us on a national scale. Training younger players for cabinet positions can be beneficial, as I have been able to work myself up too and have featured in recent cabinets as MoEd and MoHA.

4. Work on increasing the media profile and party activity. This is relatively self explanatory, as the WRP could do with being more active than it already is. Mass mails will be created.The party need to be active in the news, and we need people to know that we are the WRP! and we are the greatest.



I will work towards forming agreements with other parties and MUs in order to actively work with them against this foreign dictatorship threat. We can not and should not stand for this. #galiandaaronpowercouple

Aaron Mark Daniels, Minister for Home Affairs

This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, eUK Minister for Home Affairs

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Representative and future PP? Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.