[WRP] A vote for prosperity

Day 2,978, 02:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Vote for a trusted member. I am all for democracy, and all of you in the past have seen who I am and what I stand for, see http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wrp-amd-4-pp-episode-six-extended-edition-2550824/1/20

In all seriousness how much do we actually know about our new candidate Ed Miliband?
Ask yourselves that. I am for democracy and a fair vote so do as you see fit, obviously I would ask you pledge your vote for me but make a balanced informed choice based on what is available. I have long served you as your PP, I am a very loyal party member of over a years service, and a very loyal worker (ask WookieO 😉 ) and a very fair employer myself (ask Fataliix but not ms10el 😛 )

Vote for a safe choice, and a return to the top 5, I have brought you, admittedly down out of the top 5, but we are now back on the rise. We have still maintained a presence in congress, and got two WRP CPs elected in a row! Now is our time to rise up! WRP? Who is with me? For a fair future, a fair society and a prosperous time, Vote AMD4PP.

Aaron Mark Daniels, WRP Loyal Party President