[Q America] The War: SFP Edition Part 2

Day 3,807, 07:00 Published in USA USA by King James88
The War: The SFP Editon
A Documentary by King James88

“There is a saying : when you try sitting on 2 chairs , you will end up falling between both and the worse thing is trying to sit on 2 chairs and then talk with both arrogantly. let me teach you a lesson about sitting on 2 chairs , you need loyal and unbreakable friendships available on both sides , to stay there. “- InfOrmer

A Fake McDonald's Empire: Part 2

America has been playing this game of musical chairs trying to be friends with everyone. A two chair policy going back in the beginning thinking we wanted to be a McDonald’s Empire. Our country had the wrong idea thinking that. Deep down we are a nation of Toys R Kids. We wanted all the nations to be friends with America and in return every bad decision has lead to this war. Because of that America has bankrupted itself into oblivion burying itself in too deep whether they realize that or not. Those are broken chairs now. With two seats left at the table there is not enough for a full family to seat at the table.

Because there are only two chairs at the table I asked Chickensguys to take a seat in one of chairs and asked what is the root problem that led to this current war:

"The problem is that we have attempted to occupy two seats for too long. This can best be contrasted with Greece and Romania as we attempted to navigate the realm of being both an enemy of Asteria and coozy with Asteria. eUSA has been the loyal puppet of Romania for years, we would do things and Romania would either praise us or scold us and we listened. Greece picking up the Anti Asteria torch would often overlook terrible things we would do their allies in order to get our damage. Since we wanted to play both sides, our attacking of Bulgaria of MKD was done to propitiate Greece. We Even brought together Croatia and Serb, through our own stupidity.

In short, we played both sides. We were terrible to our allies. Our reputation is in the toilet. We need some alone time, so we should leave all our alliances for a bit. When we come back, I would suggest doing a 180 and looking towards new allies that have no expectations of us and do our best to exceed them! I am not saying we all get new allies thought that might be the case. Greece. Russia, and the eUSA have deep enough ties that we are sort of natural allies. If I was part of the leadership I would know exactly the path to travel here.“-Chickensguys

Obviously before my time as a eRep citizen eUSA leaders have always had a problem staying in the game playing a second rate role in alliances, or in this case more properly known as the second fiddle. Then a few years ago it abandoned the core good principles of diplomacy to play the double game behind their most trusted allies back to play a risky game of stakes that wanted to be on a bigger stage to play with the big boy nations. They wanted to lead like the eUSA in the real world but this was eRepublik and it was a different world. Like a kid going down every toy aisle grasping for each toy they wanted by thinking they were better than their parents and always wanted all the toys. The spoiled rotten brats pouted leaving alliances like Eden and Sirius they tried playing this rotten two chair game thinking they could play musical chairs which they always lost in the end. They always looked to be part of the big fight with some of best countries without never actually taking a risk. Always looking to take the easy way out by going behind allies backs this is the primary reason why they always lost at musical chairs. For their own selfish purpose they ruined their best of their eFriendships. This is why they are called the elite and why many distrust them because they think they have some high moral ground above everyone else holding onto this power of deeply corrupted core ideals of “we want to secure our regions without willing to take a risk.”

The eUS has long history of a failed diplomacy trying to be a McDonald’s Empire to that which it truly never was, just only pretending to be something that it was not. When the eUSA government let Polish officials influence our direction to which that eUSA was losing it’s identity and yes the USA elite solidifying its grip of power over the nation. Two missed chances to make a change but yet again thrown to the trashcan because of a continued leaning on a corrupt radical ideological strategy as always.

This is where we are now still stuck in this war trying to find a way out. To seek a solution eUSA must renew old friendships and stick by them without looking only caring about ourselves. If we can do then perhaps eUSA will have a chance and a future. However it’s more than that because we must look at our politics to how do we fix this to move beyond to accept that we are not a McDonald’s Empire but still we are cranky Toys R Kids that needs accept this spanking to take responsibility for the failed long persisted actions that has bankrupted us. A better way is needed to go forward so we have learned that we can’t have every friend to play with us and our toys. In fact it’s long overdue to tell you Toys R’Us is bankrupt! All Toys R’Us have closed down! That ship has sailed! No more happy meals for you including the wonderful prize toy included! It is time to start over and re-evaluate who we are to actually come up with a reliable plan to regain our place in a more respectable fashion because of our previous approach of which wasn’t much of a plan with no goals which we have continued to roll up into spit wads and throw them at our allies in the face.

For the solutions we first must renew ourselves by being honest and listen to ideas from others. We have political parties with each with a different approach to solve the problems of tomorrow. If we are to survive we must not be cynical to others but also open to our hearts and minds in what ideas anyone may have in order to stop the internal problems from within our nation. In the Socialist Freedom Party we have many ideas being discussed to help improve to bring transparency to our government to set our country on course to a better tomorrow. I have talked to Robert Guajardo on two of those ideas to help take our eNation forward. This is what he sai😛

“First, I would like to propose a CBO cabinet that includes 1 person from every 5 major party. Currently, the CBO cabinet includes 3 parties, only which 1 of those is in the current top 5 (TCP). Also, the CBO cabinet currently includes Gnilreps, which is inactive at the moment.

Second, I would like to create a "CBO Auditing Team" that will allow this team to request information, as needed, in order to follow tax payer money from the CBO account to any individuals that request money on the forums page. This auditing team will then give monthly updates on how the tax payer money is being spent, as well as provide any additional information that is needed in order to continue funding these programs, or modify if necessary.”

"We cannot begin to progress in regaining our regions until we find enough common ground to solve our internal problems. There needs to be movement from both sides toward more moderate positions and respect for one another."- MaryamQ