[Q America] The King James88/Schubacca Congressional Record

Day 3,746, 10:39 Published in USA USA by King James88
The King James88/Schubacca Congressional Record

Authorized by yours truly King James88 hereby publishes eUSA congressional voting record. Because of missed votes upon return in November 2018 I will acknowledge I have missed votes in eUSA forums since becoming a congressmen again. That is due to eye sight problems which drives me complete crazy which next month RL will be seeing the eye doctor. Hopefully get new eyeglasses prescription. Anyways I am doing best I can till then. As running for congress I will proactively participate in voting. Therefore for further ado is my voting record. Some I can't recall as I missed some but publishing my congressional record through researching past votes in the eUSA forums with full honesty of what I do so far as much I can. I will be doing better upkeep of my congressional record going forward.

King James88 (New and Current Account)

MPPs for Feb 2018- Yes
CBO Donations Feb 2018-Yes
Raise WT to 5% Feb 2018: Yes
Lower WT to 3 % Feb 2018: Missed Vote
Croatia Airstrike Feb 2018: Missed vote. Can't recall voting in this one.
Croatia Trade Embargo Feb 2018: Yes
one person who voted NO on the Natural Enemy of Croatia Feb 2018: No
November thru January 2017-2018 since becoming congressman again: All Yes votes

Schubacca (Old Account and Retired)

Unblacklisting Dec. 30 2015: Yes
Remove France from MPP Proposal 9/6/2016: Yes
Remove Australia from MPP Proposal 9/8/2016: Yes
97th Congress Speaker House Election Dec. 29, 2015- Resoula

Censure for unauthorized approvals Dec. 9, 2015

2 IES applicants from ingame have been approved without consent and approval from IES staff.


Approved by James Schubert

Teemo 08 December 2015
No request made through IES