[Q America] Meat's Back On The Menu

Day 3,794, 12:22 Published in USA USA by King James88

The Department of eUSA Defense has said Sweden, Poland and Lativia is coming to help. Nothing like perfect timing when we were not far long to be taken over by the evil swine of Bulgaria, Macedonia, Egypt, Ireland, Thailand, Croatia and Lithuania. Any other nations that plans to join in the fun invading eUSA you are swine too. But at cost of Pfeiffer and his administration back in February 2018 launching an attack attack on Croatia and still pissing them off ever since our eNation deserves this.

For awhile it was like if any of our allies would come to our aid and now we are getting it after a few days experiencing a drought and now all of a sudden the reaction of finally getting help is like......

Never too late than never. There is going to be some serious questions raised after this should the state of normalcy be restored to our glorious nation. So many questions it is going to be hard to count up how many there will be.

Meat's back on the menu and let's get our country back!