[Q America] Let's Make eCongress Paradise Again

Day 3,745, 09:45 Published in USA USA by King James88
Let's Make eCongress Paradise Again

For too long as far as I can remember when joining and still is the truth our congress has been in the majority hands. For the first time the Socialist Freedom Party are making their gains and it is getting noticed. This is a sign that a new paradise is coming to eCongress and you can be a part of this new wave. The wave of change can be seen for miles away (or right under your nose).

In this the Country Presidential Election Salty has given the Socialist Party a rebirth, the much need kick in the arse to jump start this party's motor. That's why Salty is the Voice of Pravda. But it is congressmen which is the engine that's needed to be congress to keep the engines running. This is where you the ecitizen matters and why King James88 supports all ecitizens.

The Socialist Freedom Party's King James88 stands for on many issues such as:

* TAXES: Keep taxes low around 2%. In case of war raise to 5% rate to cover costs.

* Community Building: Let's build an alliance within and outside our party. With the mentor program the SPF can build that bridge to future with players old and new.

* EAMERICA FIRST: We are for putting eAmerica first by defendong our core regions. It's important we defend our core regions and build a strategy around that for the future and build alliances abroad that meets eAmerica's goals.

* An Internationale America: Build an eAmerica where through a international diplomatic approach and work with the political within eAmerica to find common ground. Also to find common ground with enations that share common ground on interests no matter how big or small with eAmerica.

If you can smell this paradise it can be experienced if you vote in the Socialist Party for eCongress to build this bridge to future and fix what is wrong with eCongress today. It is all citizens new and old that has a choice in the direction our eNation must go. If you believe it's time to put the majority on the sideline, vote for SFP to bring this new air that is needed to be piped in because the air conditioning in eCongress is broken. It's nothing but filth in those filters. But its not all in congress that are the problems because there are good ones. That's where the SFP can come in and reach out to those in majority that want to help fix what is wrong and make right to put in a new air conditioning on Capitol Hill. The Socialist Freedom Party are the builders of this bridge that will make eCongress paradise again. Our future depends on all ecitizens old and new. Investing your vote, your voice and your future in the Socialist Freedom Party is definitely worth it to bring change to congress.