[MoFA] Update and Interview with German CP!

Day 2,987, 13:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Good Evening eUK

First of all, this update is in my newspaper because we are currently having the MoFA password reset by Woldy, so future articles will be from there.

After hearing Dave and Paul speak on IRC and also the eUK in general I thought it would be best to update you on a few things, given our current situation. I will try to keep this regular from now on, but understand that most of our articles would be pretty much identical from day to day.

I will begin making a conscious effort to update the populous, starting with this.


As I am sure you are all aware the eUK is facing a war on two fronts at the moment, and potentially a third in the form of an Argentinian old friend. The war with Netherlands, if they win this battle *Which NoTie seems fairly keen to win* the battle will be ended.

France. Is a complicated one. We obviously cannot compete with the amount of COs they seem to be placing, and we cannot out hit them as we simply cannot get people fighting. We have no one funding our COs privately which means eUK government money cannot compete with it, as shown by the West Midlands RW yesterday, we cannot outhit and cannot outspend France. The situation could be alleviated slightly given we had allied support.

This is a difficult situation also. Some allies are simply too busy with pro asteria countries themselves. Spain, having recently been freed are understandably apprehensive and are facing invasion from two big hitting Pro Asteria nations, so having spent the effort last month to free them it would be counter productive if they helped out alone without any guarantee of freeing us. Belgium are willing to help out, but face similar pressures and we would not achieve a lot alone with just us and Belgium fighting. Croatia are helping out alot and other individual allies are doing all they can, but many also face troubles in there own conflicts, so we are extremely grateful for the allied efforts and the efforts from the MUs of the UK in fighting the conflict. All we can do at the moment is fight against them until the situation changes, which we are currently working hard in government to do. I am in contact with a few potential solutions.

We tried negotiations, but the French were very, un open to the idea...


It has been suggested people like hearing about MPPs.
So here we go.

Ukraine: Long time ally, we are on friendly terms with them, another anti asteria nation.
Albania: We love Albania for the same reasons above and they helped us out big time in the past.
Italy: Similar reasons as above, I am sensing a theme.
Irelan😛 Close allies, keep one side of our borders safe from attack ;P
Turkey: Similar reasons to be honest with you.
Venezuela: PLUTO allies, close allies, helped us out alot.
Estonia: Extremely close allies, good friends of eUK.
Belarus: Similar reasons again.
Georgia: See Belarus
Spain: Probably one of our closest allies, helped us out big time in the past, we helped them out with Argentina.
Macedonia: Great allies, helped with spanish effort.
Croatia: Big allies, great guys, helping out heavily at the moment and in the past.
Chile: See All of the above 😃

Missing/ Re-Signing:
Germany: Long time allies and great help in the past and present.
Belgium: One of our closest allies and a PLUTO ally and co founding member.
South Korea: PLUTO Allies, wiped at the moment.
Mexico: Long time ally, helped us with Argentina. PLUTO Member.

Interview Time!

Interview with German CP cbird!

Bol😛 AMD
Italics: cbird

Hey Mr CP. Thanks for the interview, first question, how are you today?

I was quite well until a few minutes ago, now i have an open ticket with the payment department that seems to be already asleep

Same admin response level as usual then I see 😉 Whats the current situation like in eGermany?

We are currently being wiped by Argentina, but it seems like we are securing congress nevertheless. Also there are some struggles with Denmark.

How is the Germark thing going? What problems are currently facing Denmark? Also, we all love a bit of fun with the argentinians ;P

Libertas33 took over eDenmark and most people of the former danish government aren't happy about that. This leaves the current state of the union a bit unclear. We stayed neutral and didn't interfere because it's just Libertas and not some random serbian so in my opinion you can't really call it a hostile coup. Germark is just 2nd priority right now, first we need to get rid of the argentinians.

That is understandable, and we will help out when we can, and aren't being hounded by frogs... How do you see the eUK and rl UK?

The eUK is a close ally to Germark and can count on our support anytime. I don't have to say much about rl UK as this is a game, but i consider them an important country in the european union.

Can you tell the people of the eUK a little bit about yourself

I am a currently studying physics and IT in Hamburg and waste the little free time i have on playing erepublik. I just got into ePolitics half a year ago when KTTRS wanted me for his government and have been part of the "Filz" ever since.

o7 Thanks for the interview Mr cbird, best of luck with the conflict! Anything to add?

"/me hugs n0s3"

Thanks for reading, I think you guys deserved a MoFA update

o7 eUK!


Also a quick added note.

Question Time. Any one who has a question for myself feel free to leave a comment below, or PM me.