[MoFA] Event Reports

Day 1,365, 08:34 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

One of the main purpose of this ministry is to create or enhance ties with other countries.
With the current events of NE, Mercenary and RW missions, it seems like it's chaos out there. Every other countries have their own struggle to adequate their citizens with war events. So are we.

In doing so, we were forced to work out things fast; without enough time to prepare things accurate to the minute of timing. What our nation have achieved recently were agreements with ePhilipines and eIndonesia for Training Wars.

We began straight away with an NE war game with ePhilipines.
There has been a few misunderstanding between eMalaysia and ePhilipines regarding of some of the battle occassions. Although initially both countries had certain agreements on battle decisions, but in practical things didn't work out smoothly as planned.
Dissatisfaction aroused among players of both countries.

I had a few conversation with ePhil President regarding with this matter. For a moment President Sansae2 was a bit heavy hearted to continue any future understandings with us. Yet, after a short leisure chat later,he seemed to agree or share many point of view with me. It is a hope that we may clear the cloudy waters and start it all over again... hopefully with more careful plannings and arrangements.
An NE war is a very dangerous game to play. But we like to play that more often. It is like rugby, casualties and rough play just may happen. But ruggers are tough and full of sportmanship spirit.

After all, all's well that ends well.
On behalf of both countries, we we shaking hands and sending warm victory sign to the citizens of both nations.

I still remember in the old days when TW with ePhil had been a staple TW for us; in fact we almost didn't have any other war beside that. After the PTO era, we hadn't had any good TW with ePhil.

Perhaps as a result from that, ePhil President had contacted eMy President asking if we are interested for another TW with them.
But the war budget can be enormous if we still can afford it.
The request is still pending.

On the contrary, the TW with eIndo still going fine accordingly.
It is a hope that everything will end as win-win situation to all.

In Service,

Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Addendum to:
Hurpy McDerperson
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.