[MoD] Updates and Dividends

Day 6,070, 05:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence


We have a thank you note from the MoD today and a couple of quick updates.
Before we get into the details, remember you can find MoD Guidance in the National Feed, or on the eDefence Sheet. They will always have the same information in them, so use whatever suits you best.

The Ministry of Defence and wider Government is often engaged in managing walls, especially whilst ownership of different regions is being swapped or when Airstrikes are being landed. We only set orders when walls need managing, so please be mindful of current MoD Guidance and do your best to push walls on the right side.

We wish to offer our thanks to all those who have interacted with MoD orders and assisted in wall pushing over the long period of region swapping, AS landing and RW suppressing that is now coming to a close. Your help has ensured we have achieved the desired outcomes for each swap, which helps build our TW reputation, minimises disruption to TW’s of our bordering nations, and brings battles to a close at the right time.

We extend that thanks of course to fighters in all our partner nations who have helped us achieve that!

As for more general updates,rewards will be paid in the upcoming days. This month there were only two reports made against eUK citizens for overhitting (at the time of writing!) so everyone is eligible. There have been 6 Live Fire Exercises, we have launched two Air Epics, and produced articles, messages, shouts and resources to help inform the battlefield decisions taken by eUK fighters.

Pre-Epic Rewards

A fund exists to be distributed amongst those fighters who participate in building damage for Epics. The fund is 200k plus any previously returned payments, and this month is £217,142.86. You earn a ‘share’ in the fund by recording 100+ kills in the pre-epic period. The table of participants this month is below:

Thanks for your help!

Live-Fire Exercises

Another 200k fund exists for Live-Fire Rewards! Fighters earn points for meeting objectives and those points translate to cash! The tables showing how many points have been earnt this month are below!

Citizens who completed one Objective get an extra £1,000, those who did 2 - £2,500; 3 - £5,000; 4 - £10,000 and 6+ - £15,000.

Fighting Rewards

The eUK Government rewards Fighters for their first 10k kills, we have a 400k fund which is distributed to the eUK public based on what % of these rewardable kills they did.

121 Citizens did kills for the eUK, and will be rewarded unless they are currently ineligible. The top 100 citizens by number of kills are :

Click through to view larger image

Citizen Dividend

All of these rewards are paid in addition to the Citizen Dividend. This month, each Citizen will receive a Dividend of £41,241.99. This is made up of £2,539,072.41 MM profits and £2,616,176.58 returned Dividends distributed across 125 active citizens.

You can see the value of payments sent to each citizen on the eUK Transparency Sheet, as well as a breakdown of how people earned their rewards.

All payments are made automatically without the need to register or comment.

Lots of tables for you there, so a brief outro with some pictures for you now!
Our thanks goes to those fighters who attended the pre-epic last Tuesday.


Minister of Defence