[MoD] Fighting Guidelines Reminder

Day 6,082, 10:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Good evening everyone,

Please be reminded that when fighting in eUK Training Wars (TWs) a series of Guidelines are in place to accommodate as many fighters as possible, and to help people gain medals in a fair and civil way.

The guidelines for eUK TWs are below.

As a reminder, fighters in Air rounds are asked not to overtake eUK citizens who have already done 20k damage.

More information can be found here.


Please report overhitting on the report form.

When an overhit can be validated the perpetrator will get a point, players with 3 points are ineligible for any Government rewards. You can view how many points players have on the eDefence sheet, or ask the MoD.

At the time of writing the only player with points allocated to them is Popcorn Unicorn. They are currently ineligible for rewards. This will be the case for this rewards cycle and the MoF has confirmed to Congress that Popcorn Unicorn was spoken with and removed from rewards calculations yesterday.

Whilst Popcorn Unicorn undertakes a concerted effort to overhit eUK fighters he will remain ineligible for rewards. Additionally, any reports he makes on the report form will not be validated and will not result in points for other eUK fighters. This will stay in place until it is clear he has stopped this campaign of overhitting.

Whilst Governments cannot stop people from fighting or doing damage we always put careful consideration into what behaviour we incentivise and reward. The Guidelines and consequences are a reflection of the fact that we do not want to reward disruption.

Thank you,

Betafoxtrot - CP
Mr Immanuel Kant - MoD
Mr Woldy - Governor