[GOV]Welcome Newbies!

Day 830, 20:31 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Welcome to eRepublik new players!

In the beginning everything can seem like a lot to take in but after a while you will get used to it.
It is important that you do not give up during your first few days. At first, its quite boring to just work and train. But at level 5(soon to be level 3) you can start taking part in fights and battles and even join a political party to decide the future of our country.

Also our country is currently trying to be overtaken by Serbians who have bad intentions. Now it is even more important that you stay and help get them off our soil!

First thing to do is to get a job, work, train, upload a avatar/picture(gives experience). Then if you live anywhere else besides Penisular Malaysia, please PM/message the Social Office. They will give you moving tickets for free. The reason is that only Penisular Malaysia has a hospital for now, so to use it, you have to be there. The Social Office will also answer any of your questions, no matter how silly you might think they be. They are here to HELP YOU! You can ask in BM as well. No need to be shy. Kami boleh jawap apa-apa soalan yang anda kemukan. 😛

Also join the National Chatroom by clicking the link at the top of this page.

Fell free to come and chat with us.

Those with Facebook can join our eMalaysia group.

Yours sincerely,


Minister of Information and Communication