[GOV] Start of a new month

Day 838, 11:35 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Hello everyone!

Sorry for being late with this, I didn't have time yesterday. First of all I'd like to thank everyone for electing me as president and I'd also like to congratulate ExoM7 for the close race and his good campaign. Also thanks a lot to nevvven for the last month. It was fun, except for when it was really frustrating but that wasn't your fault.😃

I won't lie to you all, we have a very hard month ahead. In a month Malaysia might even disappear from the map or become a client-state of Serbia. We must all do our best to avoid this and we will do so, I'm sure about it.🙂 Anyhow we have to prepare for the worst as well so one of the most important tasks will be strengthening our community so that it won't fall apart even if we have to go under. That's why making TDM finally work is crucial. We need working platoons forming small communities, we need cooperation we need a working structure and so on. We must reach out to all eMalaysians and stick together as best as possible.


And now onto work. I'll mail all members of nevvven's cabinet (and you can contact me, too) about the state of things in their respective ministries, how to continue and so on. Hopefully most people will be ready to keep serving in the government. But you can also expect new names. And if anyone would like to help out please feel free to mail me and most probably we'll find you a place on the team. Forum activity is a must, availability on chat is a huge plus. By tomorrow I plan to have an up and running government. Then I'll take most of the cabinet discussions to the Government section of the forum.

Other news

1. Minimum wage has been now decreased to 1.5 MYR at the proposal of ExoM7. In the current economic situation this was a necessary move that has my full support. I only regret that it was rushed and no proper discussion took place before submitting the proposal. I'll write more about the economy in another article soon.

2. As no such government call has been posted up until now this time I'd like to ask all congress members to please donate some of their 5 gold winnings they received for the congress medal to the Central Bank. It's a nice tradition and also the state is not exactly rich and can always do with a little more money. Thanks a lot in advance.

3. A few days ago then minister Andreey robbed the Social Office (the loss is about 20-25 gold) and then fled to Romania. (nevvven planned to publish an article on this on the 5th but he lost it as he was timed out during the writing and forgot to save it, that's why it's only announced now and by me.) This is a much unfortunate happening but there's nothing we can do about it.🙁 At least we paid a relatively small price for trusting Andreey.

4. I'd like to ask all congress members to please vote no on the tax change proposal on gifts.

That's all for today, but you'll hear from me again soon.🙂 Thanks for reading.

Best regards,
President of Malaysia