[GOV] Party president elections - UPDATED

Day 845, 19:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear citizens!

Party president elections are due to start in a few hours and it is of utmost importance that every loyal Malaysian citizen cast his/her vote. Not only gives you +1 experience but every vote is an immense help in stopping the Serbian political takeover attempt.

The Serbians are really dedicated to taking Malaysia for themselves, they are running in all parties for the PP position this time as well.* So please vote for only legit Malaysian candidates!

In FUP please vote for Collinar!
In DPP please vote for spykerman!
In Pakatan Rakyat please vote for JonnyTan!
In Centralist Partisanship Party please vote for ExoM7!
In Djozikeist Church of Malaysia please vote for aurin!
In TO-er Party, DO NOT JOIN please vote for TORDAH!

UPDATE (14:18 Erep time):
Current advice on where votes are most neede😛
Vote for ExoM7 in CPP, he is losing by four!
Vote for spykerman in DPP!

Please don't rush, if possible vote only at your last sure login!
Before voting check here for info on where votes are needed the most!

This article will be updated with new information whenever necessary.

Best regards,