[FEDS] Derphoof for President!

Day 6,041, 10:33 Published in USA USA by Malpazar

"I found the crown of France in the gutter. I picked it up with the tip of my sword and cleaned it, and placed it atop my own head."
- Napoleon

It was literally a few days ago I was writing about the congressional elections, and here we are already at the Presidential election. Can you imagine?

I am of course, excited to present our Nominee, Derphoof!

Many of your know Derphoof, after all, they were officially proclaimed Queen quite some time ago. A title that is actually quite serious in its weight, and its importance to the eUSA in and of itself. Derphoof has countless years of experience working within the walls of the eUSA's bureaucratic halls, and I personally think would be an excellent choice to shake up the country's status quo in ways we can only imagine.

I am of course a bit biased, because Derp is one of those players who, at least for me, have helped make the game more fun in the past with things like eNPR and working on the whole "Spoken Congress" where we had actual congressional debate in Discord. So I am quite certain in Derp's ability to make an interesting Presidential term!

I hope you consider sending your vote towards Derphoof! And I will see you in T - 13:00 on election day!
