[eWales] Declaration of Independance

Day 3,126, 18:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Here ye here ye.

An important announcement from my valley base in the heart of Aberystwyth. Now as some of you may or may not know, probably the latter, a few acts of my presidency had to be kept under wraps until a favourable time. That time is now.

Effective immediately the people of Wales have been freed. No longer tied down with Deer resources, making it an immensely contested resource, Wales feel now is the time to strike free.

Effective immediately,
The people of Wales are declaring their independence.

Our new President is the one and only, Aaron Mark Daniels. A mostly ceremonious role as head of state, I however have emergency powers, akin to Mr Woldy. I am basically ruling Wales with soft, cuddly, not iron fist.

Our First Minister, acting on behalf of the head of state and responsible for the day to day running of the country will be Mr Immanuel Kant. As an actual welshman he will be delighted to receive this position. I am fairly sure...

Our Minister of Foreign Affairs for the foreseeable future is an important role. It should go to a super active, well educated in the contemporary eRep foreign affairs, and super hot person.
Unfortunately no one fit the bill, so we had to go with Garth Liddlington M.D.

This is all for government, as lets face it, Wales are super friendly. No one will want to attack, so why do we need to defend? And Home Affairs, IDK let MIK do it or something.

We are opening applications for ministerial positions, so please get in touch with our glorious Country President.

First elections for the Welsh Assembly will be held on the 17th June, so please get in touch if you wish to stand, either as a party member or an independent. We are all inclusive.

Cymru am byth!

Also Wales lost the rugby but won the football and apparently thats important. IDK I don't really follow sports.