[Black Sheep Party] A review on recent events + Call To Arms

Day 5,968, 08:17 Published in USA USA by D O O M

Hello, everyone, hello eUSA community. Long have I not written an article, as I have seen that it is simply not necessary, seeing as we were living in ..very boring times I’d say, with an occasional real war here and there that was easily won, I thought it was simply not required to post a lot in the media. Well, unfortunately, all is well that ends well.. or is it?

If you are around in the meta congress on Discord, ever since the presidential elections on the 5th of this month, our beloved president started a few discussions aimed to firstly revamp and change how IES procedures work with ‘forcefully’ adding a deputy IES director, something which saw massive reactions from some of the Executives, with the IES director even publicly saying that he does not need a deputy, because the work is so small these days.

Secondly, there was a so called “Government Program Eligibility Act Reform” which banned people who voted No on Donation Laws from any government programs. You know, those donation laws which pass by a landslide all the time.

Needless to say, one of those IES acts failed in voting, the other one stalled and the Government Program Eligibility Act ‘rEfOrM’ also stalled and is inactive at the moment.

Thirdly, and the reason why I am writing this article today is a potential PTO threat. For those who don’t know, the Black Sheep Party stands as a beacon of integrity and resilience in the political landscape of eUSA. With a modest membership of just 45 individuals, each one of them human and committed to the core principles of democracy, we have remained unwavering in our dedication to keeping bots at bay.

Our party's year-long stance against the infiltration of bots reflects not only our commitment to fair play within the game but also our broader values of transparency and authenticity and while others may succumb to the allure of having many accounts in the party with only a few people playing them, we proudly reject it, knowing that our strength lies in the genuine voices and actions of real people.

Despite the prevalence of bots in the game and throughout the country, the Black Sheep Party has not only endured but thrived as an active force in Congress for many years. Our resilience is a testament to the power of human determination and our unwavering belief in the principles of democracy.

However, we as a party do not ignore the threat of a PTO. Namely, a random member that has stated his intent in a comment on a presidential article that they want to be a party president of BSP, joined and immediately started trolling the party and its long term leaders. I am not someone who understands politics much at all, but you tell me, if your intentions with a party are genuine, would you first join for a while, work and build your trust in a community and only then try to run the party and present your ideas at its members? Don’t you find it strange that this man, lady, or whatever they identify as joined out of nowhere and immediately want to become a Party President?

At the end of the day, I’d like to ask, who and why do they feel so threatened by the actions of the Black Sheep Party that they seek to undermine our democratic process by proposing such ‘reforms’? What is the main goal of these forced changes under the guise of ‘reforms’?

In the world of eRepublik, unlike the real one, you are only at a specific seat in the government for a month, and eUSA is at the best possible place right now that can ever be, I think. We have Training Wars with half of the eWorld, the enemy alliance CODE is in the slow process of dying now with members leaving left and right and, Asteria is growing with Lithuania being the latest member to join. So, the question is, why do you try to create chaos and mayhem during a short period of just one month instead of just keep the boat steady, keep working with our allies towards the goal of dismantling CODE even further and support your citizens in every way possible? Food for thought.

At the upcoming Congress elections on Monday, we will have a new face in our Congress contingent, as our beloved lady Bella Trix will be among the top candidates. So, vote for the Black Sheep Party, and let us send a clear message: democracy is not for sale, and we will not be silenced by those who seek to undermine it. Join us in the battle against the PTO threat, and together, we will prevail.


Now more than ever, we call each and every one of you who believe in the importance of democracy and fair play to stand with us. Help the Black Sheep Party in our fight against political corruption and manipulation, because your voice matters, and together, we can protect the integrity of our political system and ensure that genuine voices continue to be heard.


If you managed to read until here I thank you. And at the end of this article, I’d like to send out a message to all enemies of the Black Sheep Party. Presidents and governments are monthly, but the Black Sheep has been here for years and will continue to be long after you.

