[AMD4CP?] Oh... Oops...

Day 3,118, 07:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

So, it would appear due to forgetting how game mechanics work and being out and not able to change it I am running for CP.

If elected I promise:

- To sack everyone in the MoD and get a crack team of Chimps (Non cabal elites) to do it for me whilst listening to the sweet sultry tones of Justine Bieber.
- To officially declare every second Friday of the Month, Fish Fry-day and have a massive party with fish and chips, now that we can!
- AS Singapore (Your welcome Pannonian Nomad)
- Weekly eUK Plug.DJ Parties
- Looking at Asteria entry
- Some actual serious stuff
- To not disappear/disappear again even though I've always been here
- Make Prince Harry. Minister for Propoganda Favourable to Dear Leader (MoPFDL) to provide a satirical look at the state of affairs