#1198 TemujinBC Cause Im Big in Japan x2

Day 6,054, 15:57 Published in Canada Slovakia by Rylde

Well here's some childhood nostalglia. I remember being 8-9 or so and the parents leaving me home alone for the day to head to work cause it was the 80's and that was ok.
We only had a couple channels as they were to cheap for cable and all the cool american channels so I had CBC to watch all morning while i ate either corn flakes or rice krispies for breakfast. I wasnt allowed to have garbage sugar cereals. Thank god for brown sugar.

Here's a few I remember watching

#1198 Day 6072 TemujinBC Cause Im Big in Japan x2
#1198 Day 6072 TemujinBC Cause Im Big in Japan
#1196 Day 6066 Timotieu My Only Vacation Snipe
#1195 Day 6061 Temujinbc Oilers Game 7 Tribute
#1194 Day 6060 Hellzfire312 Imperial Scum Dusted
#1193 Day 6060 Elcomprador beat to a pulp for fun
#1192 Day 6060 Chance Harrison Slapped Around Again
#1191 Day 6060 Ghoti Mutant wolf bird hunted Down
#1190 Day 6059 Chance Harrison Just ever Slapped Around
#1189 Day 6059 Code-Y Like beating a Puppy
#1188 Day 6058 TheCanadianPunk Puck Drop Tribute lets go Oilers!!!
#1187 Day 6058 Gerry b Tribute to the Hockey Gods
#1186 Day 6058 Timotieu First Catch of the Day
#1185 Day 6057 TemujinBC Lame snipe But I'll take it
#1184 Day 6057 Temujinbc Nothing like shooting down Tem in the morning
#1183 Day 6056 Chance Harrison Back 2 Back Beat Downs
#1182 Day 6056 Chance Harrison Real American Zero
#1181 Day 6055 TemujinBC Goin Game 6 Baby Lets go!!!
#1180 Day 6054 Code-Y An Easy Hunt
#1179 Day 6054 Riders of Failure Always Lives up to his Name
#1178 Day 6054 Chance Harrison you dont need both sides
#1177 Day 6054 Klinky Swept away Like Dust in the wind
#1176 Day 6054 TemujinBC So predictable what a pathetic attempt
#1175 Day 6054 TemujinBc Have a good day my friend lol
#1174 Day 6054 Henrici Imperial Scum Hunted Down

This was when you knew kids shows were done for the day and it was time to go out and play.

Bonus CBC Sunday Evenings around 5pm Mtn time I believe

Cyril Sneer is an anteater right? Ive never bothered to look it up lol

I swear to god they mostly played Mary Poppins atleast it seemed whenever I watched and i hated that show.

Any others you remember?

Screw Under the Umbrella Tree I was to old for this stuff by then lmao