Why Krakken for President

Day 2,070, 14:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Let me first state that I am only running to spotlight certain issues.

Lets begin with Democracy:

What is inherent to a good system of government is the ability to handle criticism. in our country government corruption is highlighted almost weekly. Through these efforts of these people government is at least attempting to stem the tide of people thinking that getting an important post in government is temporary and that he must steal as much in as short a time as possible.

Through newspapers that does nothing but criticize bad apples is regularly exposed.

Therefore you will understand that I see the role of "THE INVESTIGATING EYE" as very important.

Yet we are severely limited by what can be investigated. Certainly the fact that players like Sweet Drinker in the past has hidden the books from us and org data has meant that we cannot verify their honesty. If we look at his current term I cannot remember one article by the MOF or even a mention of who exactly the MOF was.

However this is not an article to claim that Sweet is stealing fact is we must make an uneducated guess if we want to do that. However we must say there is that question mark over his term.

Killing the whistle-blowers

In our case there is a serious attempt to discredit our main whistleblower Kurgan. I have also criticized certain aspects of governments and is now told to basically shut up. The latest effort is by Malbekh who even created a party for this purpose

This is the party description:
"This is a party to assist Kurgan to become CP of Ireland. As you are aware, Kurgan spends all his time complaining about the governance of this country without actually contributing to anything. The purpose of this party is to allow him the opportunity to show his worth or forever STFU"

Malbekh has left our country after some allegations a year back. He received some money from Yddub and then used this as leverage. Basically he was trying to bribe us and get into our good graces by exploiting the amicable feelings a lot of players had towards yddub.

Malbekh is just another one of our cynical politicians that exploit situations and that try with amateurish tactics like his supposed "attempt to get kurgan to stand for cp" to gain a foothold in the Cp post. Where he will no doubt steal and steal and steal. A sucker is born every minute. It is obvious if we see that he has already put himself up for election in the same position. Isn't that strange Malbekh? No not for a person with half a brain that can see what your aim is very simply to gain sympathy and votes for a CP campaign. Tut tut Malbekh and you claim he is not intelligent when your as easy to read. The correct word is disingenuous

disingenuous (comparative more disingenuous, superlative most disingenuous)
Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy; fake or deceptive.
Not ingenuous; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.  [quotations ▼]
Assuming a pose of naivete to make a point or for deception.  [quotations ▼]

How the English language can capture a person so well.

MrConway here was our traitor son that now crawled back in the Irish Army supposedly away from the controls. Like Malbekh there was a leave of absence.

Then we return to our old puppeteer irishbhoy1967 whose feelings can so easily be read in the comment section. Also there was an absence. See a pattern. Guess its tough to spend so much money in-between all the poor sods? Guess they feel guilty about spending their ill gotten gains.

With Sweet Drinker the self named kunts lust for power has become immense. Did they not plunder our state vaults ?? Players that is capable of massive deceit and amateurish actions whose every move is towards power. Remember this is a game they have money? Its strange that a player like me dont really have that much resources a player coming from the same period but even players like MrConway is well off. They are all well off. How very very strange? Even players who havent played as much have a Q7 WEP Factory . All Sweet say is our finances is at a all time high and he mentions some unknown MOF??? What is this all time high 5000 IEP?

Well in another few days we will find out folks. If you vote in a non Kunt member to Country President. But beware they are again making moves.

What we can see

I touched on this. We cant really look into government. in fact as we sit here our state treasury maybe empty. Its so easy to claim we are doing great without any data too back you up. Why is there a trend towards this.

Other Issues: Losing our way

I have seen an attempt by players like Grianne and Daghda to subvert players that speak their mind. From my 2 year or so we have always spoken our minds using whatever language we felt like. This sickness this self imposed sensorship takes an adult game and makes it a childrens game. It usually means the end of a social game because if tongues are moderated tongues are boring and players have nothing to look forward to in a day. New players are confronted with wall upon wall of game technical and serious articles. In short you take the graffiti out of the neighborhood. I like many others uses this to unwind and being able to say what you want is great!!


In the end there is too many questions and the only way we are going to get answers is by sending someone HONEST to go have a look. I am not reflecting on Mikebane but certainly there was an unhealthy long term in the seat by Appleman. Look at his party to see where his affiliations lie.

That is all.

And yes I will have this voted up. Why? Because I can!