Why Appleman should be fired with immediate effect.

Day 2,073, 00:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

When we have a Minister of Finance making the following statement we can only but ask that he be removed and never appointed in the position again

It speaks of 2 things:

1. A fraying away of his sense of responsibility. The MOF serves the government and any future government. If he sees himself bound by regimes and hide away money. What happens if his regime never get in power again.

Also the question is simply would he have returned the money or all of the money once Kurgan's regime is in power. After all we are talking about a longstanding member of our nation a person who has been fighting corruption throughout.

2. ARROGANCE: He has the right to decide what government gets the money and what not.

After all this, all we can see is that the question marks about our finances only deepens. Was Sweet Drinker approved by Appleman was MUFC. During what governments did you hide away the money.

And for how many of our thefts were you responsible. After all you were the MOF throughout.

To Little Guppy, Arjay Phoenecian and the like

I see a lot of you comment on past events which you were not witnessed to. For your reference Sweet , Ibhoy,OrangeJoucieMmm with MUFC the current Labour Patriots was in a party called The Little Kunt Party which forever became their nick afterwards.

Sweet and the others of this party has in the past several times made comments to the effect that chosing another party in the elections would be stupid and afterwards after they suffered another humiliating defeat how stupid everyone is.

For you to come and comment now on events which you didnt witness isnt wise refrain your comments and articles to what is happening now.

But keep in mind that they are kunts .....


TBH Guys. WAT?

I was thinking about your ironies and how Appleman owned me and kurgan. Really guys I know you are not professional thinkers or maybe that your jobs do not require critical thinking. Can I debunk your ARGUMENTS in a few sentences. I never said Appleman would be the MOF ? Perhaps in your twisted minds when we say MOF Appleman springs into mind. Personally and I have the feeling this also applied to me(hiding the money) I have no intention of appointing either Appleman or Sweet Drinker and neither does Kurgan. Which means Appleman would transfer all Irish money to his own account. AT this point some of you will approach another slippery slope and may argue he will just refuse as access to the passwords. Everyone knows the MOF has a right to access and that the moderators will provide him with all the passwords within a few hours. So the only conclusion we can make is that by hiding the money he meant moving it to his own account.

Which means the person that is appointed as MOF by me will report on the first day the treasury was robbed. Which means that the thief Appleman may or may not return the money at that time or ever. Or he might get banned and all the monies might be lost. therefore there is no irony and nobody owned anyone . All it proves is what my article said all along. Perhaps you should think more critical as after all many of you are high ranking representatives of government /government MU's.. and its a game so thinking through scenarios is what your anyways supposed to be doing.

ReleaseThe Kurgan ( <<< this joke got no responses???? guess me and viktor krakken should work on our humor.