Where is the smilies? Plato & Hot Woman that should move to eIreland

Day 2,062, 03:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Ever noticed that your smilies used to disappear. Here is the normal smile 🙂 adding a space inbetween : ). Seems Plato has paid off his villa and is smiling again. The 1 Billion it cost us must have weighed heavy on his poor soul.

Lets try a few
tongue out : P

Big smile : D

Angry Face > : (

Sad face : (

Roll Eyes O . o

Other way o . O

Moustache smile (not certain) : }

Dr Zoidberg a distant cousin of Krakken


Used to be in chat must have been a update we were unawere of prepare for an onslaught of smilies.

At the start no smilies!
What could have been the motivation?

Was Plato in a bad mood when he created the game?

About Northern Ireland is it still correct to call it that shouldnt it be Western England. Just kidding. And I am sorry Arjay in game it will always be a part of England even if we conquer it.

To continue the one hot brunette a day trend I will place one of each

Redhead is always the problem so excuse the occasional skip.