Welcome To The New People!

Day 341, 07:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Hello to all the new eIrish Citizens!

Ive noticed eIreland is growing and were seeing alot of new faces! before anyone claims omg IR taking over, remember you need 3 weeks to get the needed level for voting!

First few things you should do in eRepublik and eIreland! First being finding a job, Click My Places, Company, and then you can find a job there 🙂, theres alot of jobs so browse around!

Secondly, upload an avatar, seams a strange thing to do, but it gives you some points to raise your level!

Next, Train for the army! My Places Army, and train, this raises your strength, which helps you in war!

Once all this is done, deffinatly signup to the eRepublik forums!


And checkout our Wiki


If, you have any questions, please feel free to message me 🙂

Enjoy your time in eIreland!

President of eIreland

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