We're getting there folks. Vote wisely when the time comes.

Day 580, 22:06 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

I hope you all have had time to think about the congressman for Illinois folks.

If you read my previous article, you'd know a few of the things I support, and I hope that voters out there will find me trusting enough to be voted into Congress! I will serve the people of eRepublik as well as I can and hope you will support me in my ventures.

No doubt I will always be connected with the citizens. I highly encourage any mail and I hope that I get a lot of questions. Never will I throw a mail away from you guys. There will always be a response RSVP.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I just wanted people to know that I am dedicated to serving eAmerica and will do what it takes to do my job in the Senate. I humbly ask that'll you'll hear my plea to give help.

Remember, when election time comes, vote me in! You will not regret it.

There is nothing else I need to say. Just look over my beliefs and if you disagree, just know that I will listen.

Thank you. Man was THAT a serious article. Oops I broke it.

But besides that, everything is in earnest. Take my words to heart.


Proud citizen of eAmerica.