Warning from Turkish President - eTr Baskanindan Uyari

Day 3,686, 07:20 Published in Bulgaria Turkey by Walpole

Hey Bulgurs!

How are you? I am fine, thanks. XD

Unfortunately, inner-communal fight that you are waging among yourselves continue to disturb the broader community across the empire as well as the whole world.

Troubling reports about the extent and degree of ferocity of your fights continue to flow into information desk of our newspaper.




Among those, the words of naughty boy "Mas que un club" were particularly nasty:


Perhaps, the most meaningful demand was phrased in the Bulgur forum:

I too am curious about where those 22 Bulgur parliamentarians are?

Nevertheless. Degree of chaos and nastiness among Bulgurs seems disturbed Turkish president as well.

His office published a second presidential decree addressing his Bulgur subjects.

This newspaper of yours feel duty-bound to convey his Excellency's message to you

Here it is:

English Text for Google Translate:
Oh our beloved subjects residing in former lands Bulguria!
Oh impertinent and willful children of our empire!
Alas, the word reached to our ears once again that you have not listened our kind words of wisdom inscribed in our previous decree.
You Bulgurs choose to continue to fight like cats and dogs among yourselves
That makes us mad!
Behold! We are your sovereign lord and we intend to establish tranquility in our dominions
We beseech you Bulgurs to stop doing naughty things to your Bulgur brethren!
If you don’t, We will descend upon thee to pull your ears and spank your buttocks!
Cease and desist this monstrosity once and for all, and live in peace.
Or face the might and fury of your sovereign lord who is determined to teach you how to behave.
Signe😛 Deliormanli

Lingua Franca Version:
Ey Bulgur’un eski topraklarinda ikamet etmekte olan sevgili tebamiz!
Ey imparatorlugumuzun edepsiz ve hasari evlatlari.
Ne yazik ki, bizim bir onceki genelgemizde soyledigimiz iyilik dolu bilge sozlerimizi dinlememekte israr ettiginiz bilgisi bize ulastirilmistir.
Siz Bulgurlar kendi aranizda kediler ve kopekler gibi kavga etmekte israrcisiniz.
Bu durum bizim sabrimizin tasmasina neden olmustur.
Bilin ki, sizin hukumdariniz olarak mutlak irademiz hakimiyetimiz altindaki tum topraklarda baris ve sukuneti tesis etmektir.
Siz Bulgurlar’dan Bulgur kardeslerinize ochelik yapmayi birakmanizi bir kez daha talep ediyoruz.
Eger durmazsaniz, tepenize inip kulaginizi cekmeyi, poponuza pat pat vurmayi da biliriz.
Bu edepsizligi derhal durdurun ve bitirin. Ve baris icinde yasayin.
Aksi takdirde, sizi terbiye etmeye kararli hukumdarinizin azameti ve hiddetiyle yuzlesmeye hazir olun.
Imza: Deliormanli

Best Regards,