War module fail, S02E17

Day 846, 15:00 Published in Croatia Croatia by Zelja
Some things get better with time

Some dont

5-6 Months ago we had battles at Slavonia and NW Croatia ending at same times, 11 + countries involved, we could actually see who is fighting, we could see the size of the wall, we could press fight button and FIGHT

Now every little bigger fight is causing avatars not to be seen, headless chickens, even crashing the server when the battle is culminating has become normal thing.

What is happening ? DDOS attacks? Shutting down erepublik servers ? Or are you just ignoring v1 and working only on v2 ?

I know you will probably delete this article, but people are leaving and they wont wait for your v2 versions, this has nothing to do with fun we had half year ago. Epic battles like that one tonight is the only thing keeping this game likable, not Lana, not failed economy where ATM only companies full of multies can survive...

So instead of banning me now , and deleting article you could do something about war module?

(even this article failed at first, good thing i have it in notepad..)