Victory for all of us!!

Day 641, 08:48 Published in Poland Croatia by Ministarstvo Obrane

On 639th day in the 01:51 minute by eRepublik time eHungary once more started with the attack on the Northwest Croatia. Several hours after that 639 day in 09:02 minute by eRepublik time Serbia has started the attack on Slavonia.

That day we encountered the biggest threat to our survival from creation of eCroatia almost 9 months ago. These two battles are not even close to the largest battles in history of eRepublika but it is closest to our hearts, because as we all already know eHrvatska certainly managed to defend both regions, although it was attacked by a much stronger enemy, eHungary and their puppet state eSrbija.

Of course eCroatia was not alone in this war. We had help from our allies and friends: Finns, Poles, Romanians, Spain, Canadians, Theokrats, USA, Greeks, Swedes and Norwegians. But something about that later.

eHungary is today the strongest country in eRepublik, therefore the success of the defense from it is even greater. On the other hand eSerbia has long had the imperialist pretensions to territories of eCroatia, which showed with their attack on us. The outcome of their attack is devastating for eSrbiju, because not only that they were not able to win a battle, but they used a large amounts of gold to pay tanking of PEACE tanks that on the end did not bring them a victory. All in all, they failed in intention to pass over the river Danube, while them in the same time they spend a good part of its gold reserves.
Once again I will repeat that these were two major victories not only for eCroatians and eCroatia but also for all of our Allies, and for it I will like to thanks:

In the first place to all eCroatians who put epochal fight!

To all citizens of Allied countries without which this victory would not possible!

All those who donated funds to the Ministry of Defense to help defend the homeland. Yes
real list would be too long, but those who donated know who they are, as they did everything to successfully defended eCroatia against foreign invaders. From the heart thank you!

All those who spend their gold to tanking!

Thanks to Battle heroes Sadix in Slavonia and bbb_kambelovac in NW Croatia, the medals for that, they both spent their own gold!

Acknowledgments to EDEN MC soldiers who for themselves funded weapons for battle!

Thanks to all of allied armies who waited ready to jump in the fight if necessary!

Thanks to HOS-s which with its own funds defended their homeland.
Also thanks to BorKan and Split1700 for help you have provided me with your work and advices in these two days.

And at the end of Great THANKS to eCroatia Army and ZGRUG, you show that you know how to win, and that you are on the good way to become the most organized, and the best armies in eRepubliku!

Once more from thanks from the heart of the all those who were participated in this victory!!!!!!!!

Thank you all! Former Minister of Defense eCroatia - Flaminije.