v1 Congress System Flawed.

Day 341, 02:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

I wanted to post this yesterday, but realised that doing so could of allowed for some really bad rule bending.

The way the current system in v1 works is there are now automatically 40 congress places, the top people first with the most votes, then people with matching votes, ordered by experiance, then become Congressmen.

Strategicly done there is no reason why a larger party shouldnt and couldnt dominate Congress without too much problems. All in theory they would have to do is get each candidate to vote themselves, and then those with low exp add an extra vote, infact 2 votes would be al that is needed to secure a seat in eIreland.

Now, I beleive several partys realised this yesterday but not til it was too late, a huge example of how this could of worked, had the Party Leader of been more understanding of the mechanics of v1 is IUP. Irish Union Party received 41% of the vote, and holds 21% of Congress, so many votes were wasted on Igor, where as a little realisation and then communication to his party members would of easily seen IUP take 50% of Congress.

This system is stupidly flawed for smaller countrys, its fine for a large country with over 1000 people, but congress seats should be counted based on number of votes not a fixed number, having the number fixed can and will allow for some serious strategic planning if the Party and its leaders are both smart enough, and can communicate well.

This must be changed! Please Vote this article and get it seen, as I fear come next Congress elections, its nothing more than the most active party wins, rather than a proper voting system.