Understanding Arfie PUBESCENT III and a insight into the Grey Wolf Fraternity

Day 2,075, 01:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Yesterday Bhane which I think in gaelic means foot fungi or something likened us to the Twilight Movie no Bhane this is more who we are:

Also we got cut of from our exploration of our new member Arfie Pubescent 111

This is who he thinks he is:

This is who his fans thinks he is

and this is who he really is:

and this is his love princess whatsherface

The birth of their future kids

This is all hindered of course at the moment by his love MaryAmQ being eMarried to a woman making her of course a D_ _ _ _ ?



Diva cause we all know after 20 years of pining for his lovve on his bedsheets the 2 will produce the wonderful children above.